Saturday, October 14, 2023

Whoever Mohamed Was Listening To In That Cave, It Was No Angel of God

 I have two today from Andrea Widburg at the American Thinker on the current war between Israel and Hamas. I say against Hamas because they were the first to attack Israel in this round. But It is looking like other Islamic countries hostile to Israel are looking to get in on the action. I did not know this, but Ms. Widburg is Jewish and so this feels personal to her.

Nonetheless, her reporting is quite accurate. Let me remind gentle readers that the land of Israel has been occupied by Jews for 5000 plus years. It is actually not Palestine, which was the Roman name, but Judea and Sameria. Jesus walked this land from the Galilee to Jerusalem. This is rightly the land of Israel, the chosen people of God. And what did God choose these people to do? To be a blessing to all the nations of the world.

First up is In Israel, there is no fog of war; instead, we are getting real clarity. In this post, Widburg tells us that the savagery and barbarity that Hamas has shown is intrinsic to Islam. They do not love even their own children, as shown in a tweet by an Iraq veteran.  A local called out the Americans to come to his home and treat his daughter.  It turned out that he had cut off the fingers of his own daughter to get inside the American lines and gather intelligence.  This is who these people are.

The question, always, is what values people embrace. Sadly, the dominant value in the Middle East—and the value transplanted to the West via mass immigration from the Middle East—hasn’t changed since Mohamed’s life (circa 570-632 A.D.).
Mohamed was a tribal warlord in a time and place when the rules of war were Stone Age. The notion of the intrinsic value of human life did not exist. Everything revolved around power and conquest.
Mohamed explicitly directed his followers to conquer everyone (the worldwide caliphate). The rules of conquest were simple: Kill the fighting men, rape the women and children, take the territory, force conversions at sword point and, for those that remained alive and unconverted, give them second-class status and tax them heavily. For Jews, Mohamed had something special: Because they refused to recognize him as God’s Prophet and their new leader, Mohamed mandated genocide.
Nothing has changed for Muslims who look solely to the Koran for spiritual and moral guidance. These are the people behind Hamas. These are the people in Gaza who elected Hamas. These are the people on the streets and college campuses across the West applauding Hamas. They revel in the death of innocents because that’s what they are taught to do—and I’ve got the receipts.

The rest of Widburg's post is those receipts she writes about. Gentle readers can read those. They are long, I must warn, and very disturbing. The series of tweets taking down AOC's nonsense is both instructive and points to the fact that you are getting a fire hose of propaganda from the MSM.

The second post from Andrea Widburg talks about A trove of captured documents reveals Hamas's Nazi-esque plans. I would classify this as more of Ms. Widburg's "receipts." These documents show that the Hamas killers never intended to take out military targets or Israeli infrastructure. Rather, they intended all along to kill as many civilians as possible. Note that when mass killers in the U.S. kill children, one often wonders what made them do it, as there seems no motive could account for it. Often we chalk it up to insanity. But here, these people are not insane, at least not in the traditional sense. Rather, I think in both cases that people have been influenced by Satanic forces, if not outright possessed.

Once Hitler decided to embark on the industrialized slaughter of Jews and other disfavored people (e.g., Gypsies, homosexuals, the mentally impaired), that actually became his primary goal. He took trains away from his troops so that he could ship more people to the concentration camps. I thought of that genocidal mania when I read that Hamas documents revealed that it had no intention of hitting military targets when it raided Israel last weekend. Its goal all along was to target civilians…the younger, the better.
That information comes from—of all places—NBC News. And I say “of all places” because the media’s sensibilities have long leaned away from Israel and toward her enemies. However, Hamas’s Nazi-esque tactics have horrified people so badly that many of the usual institutions are realizing that they’re making a mistake if they show sympathy for the killers. Rather than making the killers look good, it makes them look bad.
That may explain this NBC report:
"Documents exclusively obtained by NBC News show that Hamas created detailed plans to target elementary schools and a youth center in the Israeli kibbutz of Kfar Sa'ad, to “kill as many people as possible,” seize hostages and quickly move them into the Gaza Strip."
"The attack plans, which are labeled “top secret” in Arabic, appear to be orders for two highly trained Hamas units to surround and infiltrate villages and target places where civilians, including children, gather. Israeli authorities are still determining the death toll in Kfar Sa'ad."
"The documents were found on the bodies of Hamas terrorists by Israeli first responders and shared with NBC News. They include detailed maps and show that Hamas intended to kill or take hostage civilians and school children."
"The Israeli officials said that the wider group of documents show that Hamas had been systematically gathering intelligence on each kibbutz bordering Gaza and creating specific plans of attack for each village that included the intentional targeting of women and children."
"The plan of coordinated attacks flies in the face of recent claims by Hamas that it did not kill children. A video released by Hamas on Friday showed armed terrorists holding and feeding Israeli children taken hostage, including babies."

Andrea Widburg says that these people are stone age monsters, intent as they are not on winning a military conflict, but on genocide. As far as the last statement, I think she has proven her point. But as for the first, Mohamed, if he existed, and there is reason to doubt it, came along 600 years after Christ died to set people free of Satan. Yet rather than adopt the religion that was rapidly becoming the majority throughout the middle east and the Roman empire, they chose to elevate their god Allah.

Note the symbology there, of the crescent moon as the symbol for Allah. The Sun gives light by its own power, whereas the moon only reflects the light of the Sun. In a similar way, Christ is Lord, the Son of God and has the Power, while Satan can only do whatever Christ allows. Whoever Mohamed was listening to in that cave, it was no angel of God.

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