Monday, February 19, 2024

Kurt Schlichter on Tucker Carlson's Interview with Putin

 At today, Kurt Schlichter has an essay entitled Tucker Carlson Is A Convenient Distraction For Our Failed Elite. Frankly, I personally think Schlichter is too kind to our "elite," which term should be enclosed in scare quotes wherever it occurs. Schlichter notes that Carlson went to Russia to interview Vladamir Putin and let him explain himself. If there was any fault, it was not with Carlson, who was only doing his job, but with Putin, who was shown to be a fabulist, and with our so-called "elite" who think we are too stupid to see the man for who and what he is. Or maybe they are afraid we might see too much of him in them?

Vladimir Putin set up Tucker Carlson by murdering Alexis Navalny just days after Tucker‘s controversial visit to Moscow and interview. That’s what happens when a scorpion rides on your back – it’s going to sting you to death even if it’s riding you across the river and will end up drowning itself, too. But the frenzy over Tucker Carlson‘s visit is still massively overblown, and the intensity of it by the ruling class is less an indication of righteous indignation than an attempt to distract from modern America’s shortcomings. Tucker Carlson is not correct in all his details, but Tucker Carlson is correct that our ruling class has completely abandoned, and oppresses, the people it presumes to lead. He’s right to point that out, and he should keep pointing that out.
Tucker Carlson’s not a personal friend – I met him once (at fellow Townhall agitator Derek Hunter’s wedding to the lovely Heather) and did a couple of media hits with him years ago, and he was very pleasant. Others who know him better call him a radical contrarian, but swear by him as a loyal and thoughtful person. There’s one thing that can’t honestly be disputed. Tucker Carlson is an American patriot. Members of our ruling elite will recoil in horror at that reality, but the fact is that they equate patriotism with obedience and respect for themselves, not for America itself. Tucker has neither. He incites our trash ruling class by speaking undeniable truths, like: “Every leader kills people, including my leader. Some kill more than others. Leadership requires killing people.” He sees clearly the failures of our own establishment even as he’s accused of being blind to the failures of foreign dictators.

So, Schlichter confirms that Carlson is a good guy, if sometimes mistaken. Well, who isn't sometimes mistaken on some subject or another. According to Mrs. PolyKahr, I am mistaken about nearly everything, so your humble correspondent is, if anything, humble. In the next paragraph, if it wasn't already obvious, he declares Putin a murderous scum-bag. No surprise there either. I was once asked by a subject of Russia if I respected Putin. I said, "Yes, I respect him as I do a rattle snake."

Having set the table, he goes on to the heart of his essay: namely that Carlson is angry, and many of his viewers are angry too, that America has been brought low on purpose. This was and is intentional, and Carlson, being a patriot, is mad as hell, and you should be too.

As I have said before, the greatest foreign policy disaster of the last three decades has been the alienation of Russia from the West. That didn’t have to happen. Our ruling class, in its arrogance and greed and ideological blindness, helped make it happen. That’s not to say the Russians are not to blame too. It’s a nation of thieves. But we Americans can only control what we do, and we let cheap domestic politics drive our Russia policy. All this elite hatred of Russia used to be unfashionable. Once upon a time, our cosmopolitan elite loved the Russians – remember that horrible Sting song? It was the Neanderthals who opposed Russia. Then Donald Trump came along, and calling him a Russian puppet became politically useful, so suddenly Russia became bad, and American strategic objectives be damned.
That’s an indictment of our own failed elites. And they haven’t just failed on Russia. They have failed in Afghanistan and Iraq and Libya, and on and on and on. How about our open border? How about the pandemic? How about the mutilation of kids and DEI and Soros prosecutors? On and on it goes. Has anyone ever been held responsible for these failures? Has anyone in the elite paid a price? Who is the guy who got fired over any of this? Thousands dead, millions impoverished, and our elite shrugs and goes on to the next disaster. That’s what angers Tucker Carlson and the many millions of people who see the world as he does. It should anger them. And it should anger you, too.
Tucker Carlson does not love dictators – if he did, he’d be another rump-sniff trailing our garbage elite. When Tucker Carlson points out that the Moscow subway is beautiful, he’s not saying that Russia is great. He’s asking us why the subways in our capital are urine-soaked hellholes full of lowlifes and criminals. And why the hell are they? We’re supposed to be the greatest country on earth. Lord knows our elite believes it’s the greatest group of people who have ever blessed our planet. Yet you can’t walk 30 feet in the DC subway without stepping in hobo droppings. Tucker is not saying America should be more like Russia. Tucker is saying America should be more like America. We used to build great things, do great things, be a great nation. But look around you – all you see are filth and crime, degeneracy and social pathologies. Where is our ruling class when some street thug is beating citizens in the streets? It’s on MSNBC complaining that Tucker Carlson is a treasonous traitor of treachery for pointing out how our would-be masters suck.
No, what Tucker Carlson is is angry. He’s angry because we can do better. He’s angry because we should do better. He’s angry because we’re not doing better, and it looks intentional. When Tucker goes to a Russian supermarket and looks at the prices, he may be inartful, but he’s got a point – the prices at our supermarkets are crushing normal Americans. That’s the issue, not the aesthetics. But the aesthetics are always what they want to talk about because if they talk about the substance, people might wake up.

Gentle readers can read the entire post. Schlichter has scored a bullseye here. He has precisely captured what Carlson intended. The American people should be able to see and hear Putin, and any other person without interference from our so-called "elite." Attempts to censor them are not only morally wrong, legally wrong, but Un-American and Unconstitutional. Carlson is right, we can and should do better

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