Thursday, February 22, 2024

Mocking Our So-called "Elite"

 I wanted to bring gentle readers' attention to the article by J. B. Shurk at the American Thinker today entitled Of Course We Should Mock the State. Shurk usually packs his articles with with so many important fact that one is at a loss as to which to highlight. But your humble correspondent will do his best to find some nuggets of pure gold out of a pile of 10 carot nuggets.

Every once in a while, Big Government globalists inadvertently tell the truth. It’s usually not because they’re dumb, but because they’re so entombed inside their own dystopian cocoons that they forget how crazy they might sound to reasonable, well adjusted people. The World Economic Forum is filled with giddy zealots who have no idea how insane their plans for global domination sound to the wider population because the WEF’s psychopathic members are universally eager to depopulate the planet; cage the survivors; and drip-feed their human pets with a cocktail of drugs, bugs, and propaganda. Ordinary people look at Klaus Schwab and see Dr. Evil. WEF-fers see Commie Klaus as a shiny-headed (perhaps reflecting so much bright light as to be downright Luciferian) globalist god. While Davos devotees yearn for a “new world order,” prudent Westerners are thinking about how to end the WEF’s madness before it abruptly ends them.

I have commented on more than one occasion that Klaus Schwab looks the part of Dr. Evil in the Mike Myers comedy. So mocking him is easy. But more than that, it is the plethora of foolish svengalis surrounding him that make the whole World Economic Forum a laughing stock to those of us here. And the fact that our trashy so-called "elites" seem to be working to put his absolutely idiotic and impractical plans into place starts to get people here a little upset.

Ever since Obama’s election, the effort to bulldoze America and rebuild on its rubble a compliant nexus point for the WEF’s coercive Borg to dominate the West has picked up speed. Unaccountable bureaucrats and politicians in Washington don’t even pretend to respect the will of voters anymore. Strong majorities of Americans have said resoundingly: close and secure the borders, stop spending money that you do not have, end widespread warrantless surveillance, stop censoring public debate, stop distorting the law to punish dissenting voices, safeguard elections from mail-in ballot fraud, and stop funneling money to foreign regimes that use that money to attack the United States. The hive-mind Borg in D.C. has told the American people to go suck an egg. The federal government’s targeted abuse of Americans has been an eye-opening experience for many.
Consider this question: when is the last time you can remember an Establishment politician trying to unite Americans behind common history and principles, irrespective of background or race? It’s been many years, has it not? Why is that? Because the current power structure of the U.S. government depends upon keeping Americans fiercely divided.
The moment a large coalition of Americans come together to tackle common obstacles is the moment that the small “ruling class” of political elites (across all three branches and the vast, unconstitutional administrative State) get tossed to the curb. From D.C.’s point of view, the scariest thing about Donald Trump is that his policies make sense to an amazingly diverse cross-section of the American people. In his wake, the political class’s usual attempt to pour salt in old racial wounds has become less effective. That’s why we now hear so much about the scourge of “Christian nationalism.” The attempt to use religious discrimination as a new wedge to divide society is an admission that the Deep State is desperate for a new boogeyman.
As a Christian who does not have an irrational fear of nation states, I always think, “Better to be a Christian nationalist than a globalist child-groomer, amirite?” What those who seek to divide us are really saying through the use of this Christian dog whistle is that people who believe in personal freedom, the Bill of Rights, and the Bible are somehow “white supremacist” Nazis. That’s a pretty hard sell when WEF-fers are the biggest Nazis operating today.

I have said, often without explanation, that one can not be a Christian and a leftist. Perhaps I should qualify that. But before I do, I should also note that Leftist is a broad term encompassing Communist, Facsist, Progressives, Liberals and generally collectivists. A Christian is someone who, besides subcribing to the tenets of Christianity, namely the creeds, the Trinity, the inerrancy of the Bible and so forth, attempts to follow the Laws of God as described in the Torah. But nobody gets them perfectly, which is why God sent his Son into the world to live as one of us, take the sins of the world onto himself and die an atoning death for us all. Praise be to Christ! Leftists want to ignore that the killing of once own children, whether in the womb or after birth is murder. It is right there in the Torah. Leftists want us to celebrate gay and lesbian lifestyles. But it is an abomination. It says so right there in the Torah. So, chose, Leftists: your politics or God's law. There can be no compromise.

I urge you to read the whole article, and to think of ways we can mock those who want to rule over us.  Make fun of them personally.  Make fun of Schwab, who does look like central casting for Dr. Evil.  Make fun of John Kerry, who besides not knowing anything about climate science, has a horse face.  When an Obama calls you a bitter clinger to guns and religion, take pride, for to be called despicable by those who are despicable is a badge of honor.

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