Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The Devil and Climate Change

Today I wanted to highlight an essay by William Sullivan at the American Thinker entitled The Left Demands Millions of Human Sacrifices to Appease the Gods of Climate Change. He puts in fairly well in that a lot of ancient people had the same beliefs. In ancient Israel, remnants of the various tribes of Canaanites sacrificed to the gods Baal, Astarte and Molock. Baal was the ancient fertility god, while Astarte was his wife and lover, and sought various perversions like cross dressing priests and "sacred" prostitutes. Molock was the one to whom they would sacrifice their children by tossing them into the fiery belly of the image of the god. Got that?  They threw their newborn children alive into fire that consumed them.  Sullivan cites the Aztec example, but such pagan worship of demons happened everywhere until the Christian era. Sullivan writes:

“At their Monday night poker game in hell,” writes Mark Steyn, “I’ll bet Stalin, Hitler, and Mao are kicking themselves. “It’s about leaving a better planet for our children?’ Why didn’t we think of that?”
These three evil socialists of yesteryear would certainly be green with envy at the way today’s green socialists have convinced millions of citizens to willingly surrender their liberty to the State.
“The ruling classes of the fading West are determined to save the planet by immiserating their fellow citizens,” writes Joel Kotkin. He continues:
Their program calls not only for fewer people and fewer families, but also for lower consumption among the masses. They expect us to live in ever smaller dwelling units, to have less mobility, and to endure more costly home heating and air-conditioning. These priorities are reflected in a regulatory bureaucracy that, if it does not claim justification from God, acts as the right hand of Gaia and of sanctified science.
This apparent religiosity highlights an interesting sort of logical somersault for modern progressives. On the one hand, they believe it to be primitive “Christian Nationalism” to assert, as all documents associated with America’s Founding do, that our natural rights were endowed to us by God, rather than some government edict written by a government official somewhere. On the other hand, high priestesses like Nancy Pelosi assure the faithful that hurricanes on the Gulf Coast and wildfires on the West Coast are signs that “Mother Earth is angry,” and is visiting her vengeance upon us.
Quite literally, today’s party of The Science™ is an apocalyptic doomsday cult which fears the wrath of deities that are personified by nature, complete with the sacrifice of countless children.

Again, I point out that these "deities," whom Christians recognize as demons, are not new. They are the same ancient demons who turned people away from the Lord, the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob, the God whose first command to man was to be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.

These people act as if they have just discovered that the climate changes. Horrors!  Again, reading the Bible will tell them that changing climate has always been a feature of the earth. Didn't famine drive the ancient Israelites into Egypt?

Jesus described the devil as the father of lies and a murderer from the start. So, one test of whether you are being influenced by the devil is if you are being asked or told to murder, particularly if you are being asked to murder your own children. But mass murder by whatever means, the more heinous the better, is a hallmark of the devil, whether it is the gassing of Jews, the genocide of Christians in Albania, the Holodomor, the hacking of the Tutsis, or as Sullivan notes the mass slaughter by the Aztecs. The attack on the Israelis on October 7 is just the latest example.

Gentle readers will want to read the entire essay and ponder the scope of the hoax being perpetrated on the people of the world today. The more I find out, the more shocked I am that so many seem to be on board with this incredibly bad idea. I, of course, will continue to pray that God will take the whole mess of people pushing this stuff to the woodshed, but of course He acts in His own time for His own purposes. We just need to remain on His side. Praise be to God. Sullivan closes with this:

What progressives are pitching with the green agenda today is anything but progress, and their prescriptions to maintain political power are sillier and deadlier than ever. But that doesn’t stop young people, being tutored in the modern-day temples that we call universities, from offering their absolute devotion to this green doomsday cult.

Perhaps I should pray for a more discerning generation of young people, for they are the ones who will have to fight this.

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