Sunday, February 18, 2024

The Evil One Shows His Fear

 Eric Utter has a post at the American Thinker entitled Evil silencing good that makes the point that conservatives and Christians need to stand up for what is right and true as loudly and fearlessly as those pushing evil on us and our children.

“Evil preaches tolerance until it is dominant, then it tries to silence good.” —Archbishop Charles J. Chaput
That is a remarkably astute observation, perfectly stated.
And such a true and important concept that it should be taught in every school at every level.
Longtime readers know I do not consider tolerance to be a virtue, per se. This should not be a novel idea, nor particularly difficult to grasp. Tolerance of differing food or musical tastes, for example, is good. Tolerance of murder and incest is not. Archbishop Chaput realizes that the left preaches tolerance for all things it likes, but not so much for those it doesn’t. And, when it acquires power, it uniformly tries to shut down and shut up any entity with which it disagrees. And, especially, anyone that could challenge its power and control.
I have long realized three things that are essential to understanding the world as it stands today. One: tolerance is not necessarily a virtue. Two: there is an ongoing, if largely unrecognized, battle between good and evil. And three: the only way good can prevail over evil-- and ultimate chaos and meaninglessness -- is for the majority of people to be courageous enough to tell the truth. Archbishop Chaput’s statement encompasses all of these beliefs in one succinct assertion.

Tolerance is the willingness to put up with opinions, behaviors, or situations with which one does not agree. In this country we "tolerate" gays and lesbians for example. In Muslim countries they throw them off a roof. Muslims are intolerant. As Christians, we tolerate many things, up to a point. We do this because as long as a person is alive, the Holy Spirit may inspire a person to repent and change. But one has to realize that today the evil ones have taken our tolerance as weakness, as license to invade our public space with all sorts of perversions God finds anathema.

As adults, we can "tolerate" many things. But we cannot tolerate our children's exposure to these things. We have to draw the line and draw it hard. Teachers may do things that parents might not approve of, but as long as these things don't intrude into the classroom, we can tolerate them. And certainly, we cannot tolerate them doing anything secretly with our children. Our children are our sacred responsibility to raise. Teachers, on the other hand are hired to provide education in specific subjects. They are hardly able to raise our children because they do not have a true relationship with them.

There is a bizarre — and dangerous — double standard, a two-tier justice system that has taken hold in modern day America. “MAGA” supporters are arrested at the drop of a hat, whereas members of BLM, Antifa, and various other assorted radicals are treated with kid gloves. No one is allowed to so much as raise their voice against the indoctrination — or mutilation — of their kids in a parent-teacher meeting, yet threatening conservatives is damn near de rigueur. Just days ago a group of radicals surrounded the conservative Heritage Foundation’s building, with a couple activists telling the crowd that they need to find out “where they live,” “where their office is,” and “where they go to church,” referring to those inside.

To the last, I say bring it on. Our God has already won.

This two-tiered justice system is something we definityly should not tolerate either for ourselves or for others. We should demand a single form uf justice for all, not simply complain that there are two teirs. We know what happens if the normal people stayed silent.

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