Saturday, February 17, 2024

THEY work for US, Part II

 I did not get to this post yesterday as I had to work, but J. B. Shurk had a great post that expanded on my own of the day before that we are forgetting that They work for US, not the other way around.  His post can be found at the American Thinker entitled A Western Consensus Is Brewing. He sets the table thus:

However, something fundamental has been shifting beneath our feet. If you look at how civil conflict has been discussed on websites and internet forums over recent years, a noticeable trend emerges. Talk of “civil war” between various coalitions of states transformed into calls for “independence” from tyrannical government on par with America’s 1776 founding. In turn, calls for an American-style “revolution” against government abuse have transformed into the kind of rage against a “permanent ruling class” that existed before the French Revolution and the Reign of Terror.
This shift is significant. “Civil war” connotes a feeling that Americans will be fighting one another. A “1776-style struggle for Independence” reflects a belief that the federal government must be brought to heel. Widespread discussions of how to rid the country of an unaccountable bureaucracy with more allegiance to fellow globalists from the World Economic Forum than to fellow citizens from America’s heartland reveal a growing recognition of and antipathy for an entrenched ruling aristocracy.
Governments don’t mind when citizens quarrel. In fact, that old “divide and conquer” scheme is Washington’s favorite tactic for keeping Americans too busy fighting one another to notice what kind of mischief is going on in D.C. Governments would prefer that citizens not speak about “freedom” or “liberty” because those ideas are antithetical to bureaucratic mandates, institutional power-grabs, and rhetorical appeals to authority. Still, so long as an Orwellian news media establishment and a Machiavellian political class can work together to impugn “liberty” as “selfish” or “hateful,” then the powers that be largely succeed in twisting the meaning of “freedom” into a love for Big Government policies or a patriotic subservience to the State. However, when ordinary people begin to set aside their differences and instead turn their fury toward those holding the reins of power, well, Katie, bar the door — trouble’s brewing!

He points out that the jack booted thuggery we are seeing in America today, the two tiered justice system and the lawfare, including the Soviet style kangaroo courts, the cancellation of people who speak the truth, the attempts to censor anyone conservative, and of course the on-going persecution of J6 defendants betrays a growing panic on the Left. The Left would not be so bold if it were not extremely fearful of us.

This should not have to be said, but no society can be described as “free” unless that society can engage in free speech. Likewise, there can be no free speech unless the public is free to criticize and disagree with the government. Any government that claims a monopoly to determine what is true is a government hostile to dissent, debate, and democratic self-rule.
Western governments have so betrayed their duties to act as custodians of Enlightenment-inspired human rights that they have become as tyrannical as the tyrants against whom they posture. They are now little more than a collection of feudal lords using the trappings of their offices to enrich an insular “ruling class” while impoverishing and diminishing the masses.

I don't think there is one magic bullet that will save this nation, nor do I believe that the entire nation should be saved. Collectively, we have betrayed our founding, and God who preserved us. As Wild Bill for America always ends his youtube talks, "America bless God again." We need to do that, a lot. But we also need to vote more discerningly for those who would like to see the government, not America, brought down to manageable size. We must realize that the government cannot be all things to all people, especially because all people do not want the same things. We can, of course, tolerate these Satanic ideas as long as we are not forced to accept them. But laws that force it upon us, like Colorado tried to do to a cake shop cannot stand.

As an aside, I have always heard people complaining that the United States is for them a hell hole. When I ask them, quite sincerely, why they don't leave, they give me a number of lame answers. But I am still sincere. America is unique in the world, and it is exceptional. Oh, not in the way Leftists portray the term, but because of our founding as a representative republic. A number of not so unique nations are happy to have you take up citizenship in their countries. Go!

Remember too that I said that THEY, the government, work for US, the citizen, not the other way around. What person has a servant that is better armed than he is? Would a servant be allowed to tell his boss that he could not be armed? Imagine such a situation! That servant would be fired on the spot. They say they want to ban this gun, or that magazine. We say, "Who are you to tell us what we can and cannot have." We don't need such a big government making up laws upon laws that are simply redundant. Instead, we can govern ourselves by just making a sincere effort to follow the 10 Commandments.

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