Wednesday, May 8, 2024

A Writer Notices A Lot of Fat People Out Protesting, and Tells Us Why?

This particular article hit home for me, and I hope someone who reads it will not spend most of their lives trying to get thin.  There is a way to get and stay thin and fit, so you don't have to believe the MSM.  The article by Jennifer Galardi at The Federalist is entitled Fat, Unhappy Campus Protesters Should Try Lifting Weights and Eating a Burger (without the bun, of course.)

I suspect most of us have become numb to the ugliness of these people, but Galardi has been a model and of course lives in L.A. where the "pretty people" live, so she notices it more. Moreover, she is a fitness instructor and has spent a lot of time on camera. Her story:

As my X feed continues to populate with videos displaying the disgraceful behavior of pro-Hamas campus protesters across the country, I can’t help but notice how unattractive and unkempt they all seem to be.
In an era that celebrates obesity and poor health, I know these are not politically correct thoughts, but the uncomely appearance of student protestors is hard to ignore. Unsightly midriffs and unappealing piercings, which haven’t really been in vogue since the early ’90s, abound on these encampments. The masks don’t help.
I noticed this trend long before the protests littering college campuses. Many extreme activists — particularly those of the gender cult — seem to possess some sort of internal self-loathing, furious with a society that only acknowledges outer beauty.
I understand this anger and it’s not completely unjustified. As a fitness instructor who spent years in front of a camera, often wearing minimal clothing, I struggled with body dysmorphia for most of my life. I felt the constant pressure to lose just a few pounds. I always resented being directed to tell those working out with me at home that “this move will really whittle your waist” or that just a few more reps would help them “melt the fat away!” I hated the sales pitch of weight loss and the unrealistic standard of beauty pushed on women, particularly in Los Angeles where I lived.
My insecurities manifested on one side of the extreme, with endless exercise and food control. These protesters have landed on the opposite side of the spectrum. They have thrown in the towel altogether, displaying an utter disregard for their appearance or health. You don’t have to be a beauty queen to care about your appearance, but you should have more than an ounce of self-respect.

While not a fitness instructor, I have at various times in my life been on the Pritikin Diet (don't), the Adkins Diet (pretty good), the Gundry Diet (again, don't) and finally landed on what Dr. Ken Berry and others call the Proper Human Diet or Carnivore diet. This has worked best for me. Additionally, I go to Planet Fitness, in part because it is the least expensive gym for weight training. But in the past I have run, bicycled between 50 and 100 miles, all to stay in shape. Unfortunately, eating a typical American diet, I continued to gain weight.  I have dropped from 301 pounds down to 232 on the carnivore diet. Today I eat meat and eggs, concentrating on getting proper amounts of protein. My waist has shrunk and keeps shrinking, while my weight slowly goes down. Galardi is correct in her prescription to eat meat and lift weights. You don't have to become a body builder to have an attractive shape. An hour ot so lifting weights each week, and eating a proper human diet will do wonders.

The link between physical and mental health is real. Studies have shown the positive effects on mental health that come with adopting a ketogenic diet, likely because healthy fats, as well as cholesterol, are the building blocks of hormones, key agents in mood regulation. Higher-protein diets have been linked to higher levels of dopamine and norepinephrine, brain chemicals that play a role in mood, motivation, and concentration. Extensive research has also determined that weightlifting can alleviate depression, particularly a feeling of worthlessness.
Undoubtedly, this is why many of these students are driven to activism. They have no sense of purpose. In an era when everything has been given to them and every comfort at their fingertips, they are desperate for meaning. Particularly the coddled children at an Ivy League school like Columbia that costs almost $70,000 a year before room and board, books and supplies, and other living expenses.
Some protestors demanded vegan food be delivered to their encampments. Diets that eliminate all animal products may be fine for some people who have time to prepare food with an eye toward proper food combinations that contain complete proteins.
But prepackaged highly processed vegan foods such as fake meat products, non-dairy ice cream, or any of the other vegan snacks are no healthier than their traditional counterparts. In fact, they are usually worse, filled with inflammatory ingredients such as seed oils and glucose-spiking carbohydrates, which can lead to unstable blood sugar and erratic moods.

I follow Dr. Eric Westman, who studied at the feet of Dr. Atkins, who himself was standing on the shoulders of people like Banting, and I am amazed at the number of things that are corrected by eating a proper human diet. Once you get your glucose steady, your insulin low and steady, all sorts of things begin to heal. Many people report improvements in joint pain, skin rashes, heart disease, and on and on. And Westman and doctors like him don't make a penny from selling special supplements. Meat, especially red meat, and eggs. That's it.

In an age of digital and information overload, the focus of health has morphed from the basics like eating nutritionally dense food and getting daily exercise to elaborate bio-hacking routines to optimize human potential. As a health nut, I’m into all the latest trends, but for most people, extreme measures are not necessary. Simply prioritizing the time needed to cook your food and treat your body like the gift that God intended it to be is enough. Put down the cream puff or the bagel with vegan cream cheese and pick up a couple of eggs and some weights.

Exactly so. Go on then and live your life contributing to the betterment of mankind. Protesting is a dead end. Do something more meaningful. May I suggest that you start by going to church?

* If you do lift weights, please read this book by Fred Hahn: Slow Burn. Hahn' method is to do one set each of 6 exercises using the heaviest weights you can manage lifting to muscle failure. He explains why this works, and of course you should use machines. Why? Well think about doing bench presses or squats to failure without a spotter. Just sayin'.

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