Monday, May 6, 2024

The Frat Boys Turn Out to Be the Heroes

 Over at Kurt Schlichter has an excellent piece entitled The (Communist) Nerds Are the Bad Guys in This Movie. Schlichter starts by pointing to the movie "The Revenge of the Nerds" as painting the nerds as the good guys and the frat boys and the bad guys. But that movie was a lie. As Schlichter points out, so called "Nerds" were just normal people studying hard and trying to get an education. We didn't have time for the stuff fraternities were known for, but which were even then largely overblown.

For those of us who came of age in the greatest of decades, the 80s, it’s a bitter pill to swallow to realize that we have been sold the lie by movies like “Revenge of the Nerds” that frat boys are the eternal bad guys. On college campuses today, the nerds are the bad guys, a communist collection of weirdos, losers, and mutations of heft who cry about Palestine, whine that the cops are mean to them for breaking the law and scream that they are being literally murdered by people who won’t honor their myriad food allergies. The 80s nerds were courageous rebels. Today’s nerds are pathetic conformists – they all look the same, they all sound the same, and they all smell the same. They’re not amusing nerds like Pointdexter and Booger. They don’t rock out like the ROTN nerds. These are garbage nerds, spoiled commies with stupid masks, stupid piercings, and stupid hair.
Today, the heroes fighting back on campuses are labeled frat boys, whether they’re in fraternities or not, but what they really are is a bunch of normal dudes. It’s obvious at first glance. They are mostly (but not all) straight white males, in shape, well-dressed, and free of stupid masks, stupid piercings, and stupid hair. They guzzle Coors Light instead of gulping SSRIs. They protect the Old Glory and proudly wave it. And they mock the pinko losers.
They don’t give a damn about the gentle feelz of the commie nerds. They’re rough and insensitive, cruel and hilarious. When a gigantic commie waddled up and waved her chubby finger at them, they chanted “Lizzo” and worse. It was hilarious and cathartic. It was liberating. Sure, some of it was obnoxious. Some of it was in bad taste. Some of it got called racist, but here’s the thing – these white boys are going to get called racist no matter what. They have been all their lives, so I doubt they care about one more epithet.
America’s normal young men are fed up. They’re done. They grew up in educational institutions dominated by communist females who despised them. They were always hated because of the race of the majority of them – this pushback by normal guys is multiethnic – and they were always hated because of their gender and unapologetic devotion to cisgenderism. They are told they are the problem and their oppression the solution. Their mere existence is claimed to be proof of a devotion to “white supremacy.” Their heritage is proof of their moral bankruptcy, an original sin that they can never scrub away. They are the oppressors, even though there’s no one more oppressed on a college campus than a frat boy, targeted by an administration that hates him, subjected to a double-track justice system that nukes him if he’s caught sneaking a Dos Equis, but that kisses the collective booty – the enormous booty – of the communist terror fans who take over chunks of the campuses. The normal guys are the designated villains, by the left and Hollywood too, and the rest of us are supposed to hate them.

Schlichter seems to be hopeful that these normal young men will begin the pushback against the Democrat communists that have seemingly sprung up everywhere. In truth, there are more of them, and they are tougher than communist protesters. I just wonder if they can be as ruthless and brutal as true communists can be, when freed from the constraints of God who created man in His image?

They’re not the bad guys. The paradigm of the 80s movies has changed. Those nerds were just cool people trying to get along. Today’s nerds are trying to help the people who want to kill all the Jews in Israel. That’s not cute, and that’s not funny. Thank goodness the frat boys know their enemies and thank goodness their masculinity hasn’t been so suppressed that they have forgotten their instinctive desire to destroy their foes. That is what men do. The communist trash people better hope that this remains on the level of shouting insults across the lines of cops. The stinky campus commies of 2024 won’t stand a chance when today’s Ogres sound their war cry, “Nerds!”

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