Monday, May 27, 2024

There Is A Higher Authority - The Highest

 Today is Memorial Day, which may seem a strange time to discuss The West's War on God by J. B. Shurk, but if we do not turn this around, there may not be many more Memorial Days. Gentle readers will know that Communist China, North Korea, the old Soviet Union and of course the Muslim countries all push God away. In ancient times, God kept Israel for himself, and let the other countries go their own way. Then he sent his Son into the world to die for men and save them. But it seems now that He is again under attack everywhere, including Israel.

Perhaps the most startling quality of world leaders today is that they do not believe in much beyond their own wants and needs. Many will feign a belief in God for the sake of appearances, but true believers are hard to find. In the West, where Christianity has shaped society for two thousand years, it is more common to find governments punishing Christians for their faith than to see biblical doctrine defended.
Finnish Member of Parliament Päivi Räsänen, a rare Christian politician in our overwhelmingly secular times, has spent the last several years defending herself against criminal “hate speech” charges for quoting the Bible. Prosecutors claim that her religious convictions concerning marriage and morality are “insulting” and “degrading” and violate “sexual rights.” Furthermore, her accusers insist that the State “can limit freedom of expression in the outward expression of religion.”

The persecution and prosecution of Päivi Räsänen is a most disturbing case, for she is being prosecuted for saying that the gay, lesbian and of course so-called transgender lifestyle is against God's word by quoting God's word. Paul mentions it a number of times, and He specifically says it is an abomination in the Old Testament. Now, whether you agree with Him or not, the state should not take sides between those who believe and those who don't. But that is precisely what is happening to her. And you can see where this is going. If quoting God's word is not allowed, eventually God's word, the Bible will be illegal as well.

Amid a horrendous global effort to prevent people from praying together, Canada’s Justin Trudeau distinguished himself as a tyrant par excellence by sanctioning the repeated arrest of Polish-Canadian Pastor Artur Pawlowski. His “crime”? He continued to hold church services for those seeking salvation in defiance of Canadian officials’ attempts to shut him down. Video of Pastor Pawlowski throwing armed police out of his church during an Easter service back in 2021 remains one of the most inspiring examples of regular citizens rejecting State tyranny. Comparing Canada’s militant authoritarianism to what he witnessed growing up “under a communist dictatorship behind the Iron Curtain, under the boots of the Soviets,” Pawlowski repeatedly implored Westerners: “We as lions should never bow before the hyenas.” Because the good pastor possesses moral courage, Trudeau and his government of Cheka thugs have done their best to ruin him.
Abusing Christians has become an obsession for American leftists. Catholic-in-name-only Joe Biden and Attorney General Merrick Garland’s Department of Religious Persecution have spent the last three years targeting pro-life Americans who pray near abortion clinics. Heavily armed agents of the Gestapo FBI have executed pre-dawn raids against Christians with no criminal records because they offend the pro-abortion sensibilities of the State. While federal authorities do next to nothing to investigate attacks on churches and pro-life organizations, they throw grandparents in prison to serve multi-year sentences for the “crime” of having peacefully protested outside of notorious abortion businesses.
Similar arrests and prosecutions of pro-life Christians regularly take place in the United Kingdom, too, where police officers have been filmed asking citizens whether or not they are silently praying on public sidewalks. If so, it’s off to the hoosegow! Praying outside is now forbidden! The UK government has been shamefully clear that God is permitted only in certain designated areas where He may be best hidden from the public. He is unwelcome everywhere else.

Meanwhile, I should point out that Muslims are allowed to block streets while praying to Allah with no pushback from the government. But since Allah is the snake who tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden, behind a mask, I guess it all makes sense. The devil is attacking God on all flanks in a war of attrition because he hates our heavenly Father with white hot hate.

Nowhere are leftists more committed to burying Christianity than in the United States. Why is that? For the same reason that the Chinese Communist Party tortures, enslaves, and murders Christians living within its domain: Christians understand that God’s authority supersedes that of the State. China must prevent Christianity from growing within its borders because a population faithfully obedient to God will not remain mindlessly obedient to a communist dictatorship. Likewise, American Marxists must first dismantle American Christians’ spiritual faith before they can cultivate a widespread dependence upon and deification of D.C.’s Deep State.

The link above is to a opem letter by Bishop Strickland, formerly of Tyler, Texas to faithful Catholics that points out when the Church's authority is not in line with Christ's word and authority, then it must be ignored in favor of Christ. The same thing is true of governments. When Paul says we should submit to government authority, he also means when that authority is acting within God's authority. When it becomes tyrannical, as we now see it across the West and in the United States, faithful Christians must not submit to such authorities. We are bound to obey a higher authority; that of Jesus Christ.

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