Monday, May 13, 2024

Let Hamas Be Destroyed

 Mike Konrad at the American Thinker today has an article that must read, if you don't read anything else today. Konrad article is entitled What the War Is About. Without mentioning either God or the devil explicitly, though he does quote from Scripture, he speaks about how God intervened in human history to improve the life of people in Western Civilization. Western Civilization is currently under attack, but true Christians should know that God has already won and should stand up and be counted as on His side. For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? (Matt 16:26)

Konrad starts by analysing the Battle of Thermopylae from the framework not of battle tactics, but from the world changing results of that battle.

There are times when large wars produces miniscule results, waged only to re-arrange pieces on a chessboard (War of the Spanish Succession) -- and times when small scuffles will make or break a civilization (The battle of Thermopylae).


At the battle of Thermopylae, were the Spartans really morally preferable to the Persians? Both had Indo-European leadership, so this was not about race. The Persians were an autocratic tyranny with a semi-divine king, yet the Spartans were a totalitarian monstrosity.
So which side was right?
The key lay in the underlying Greek culture. While Sparta was a nightmare, the rest of Greece was not. Other Greek city-states had a concept of the worth of the individual, and a nascent sense of democracy. And even Sparta had a concept of rights for women.
By today’s false standards, Persia was a multicultural wonderland which included autonomously semi-empowered ethnicities of color, while Sparta was elitistly white. (Early 20th century racists thought the Spartans were close to the Nordic ideal. Argh!).
Yet, it would be multicultural Persia which would descend into historical despotism while ancient Greece (hopelessly white) would invent Western civilization (and Orthodox civilization as well). Had one been a neutral observer in 480 B.C., it would have taken some discernment to comprehend that. Yet, even though Sparta was a flawed representative of Greece, overall the battle was a struggle between light and dark, good and evil, freedom and tyranny.

A note here for those not familiar with the Bible. Konrad's use of light and dark refer to the Biblical meaning of "light" as illustrating the Truth of God, versus the darkness representing evil, the devil, and the demonic. It carries no racists overtones. Racism and the preoccupation of skin color is an exclusive fetish of the Left. It has no bearing in the real world and is a construct used by the Left solely to distract from its indefensible positions.

The next turning point in creating Western Civilization was the conquering by Alexander the Great of Israel. In subsequent centuries, the relatively advanced Jewish culture would be Hellenized as Jews discovered that the Greeks although pagan, had a high culture of their own. Into this world was borne Jesus of Nazareth.

What is also clear is that the Greeks were not like Israel’s other enemies (at least, not at first). The Egyptians, the Assyrians, the Babylonians were genuinely deranged. The Egyptians worshiped frogs. The Assyrians and Babylonians were mindlessly violent.
The Hebrews were blindsided by a Greek culture that could compete with their own. The Greeks had higher math, music theory, impressive architecture, wonderful literature, great art, and the Olympics. It was easy to look down on the Egyptians, but one could not do that with the Greeks (Westerners).


And it is no accident that the New Testament is written in Greek.
This meeting of European and Hebrew is the real beginning of world civilization.
I am going to state it bluntly, true world civilization begins when the West meets the Jews.The rabbis went nuts as Jewish youth started embracing Greek culture. They called this the crisis of Hellenization. [James Mitchener also described this phenomena in "The Source." -ed.]

Konrad also notes that the other world religions were dying out until revived by Westerners. In particular, Islam was a dying culture until the Wilhelm II revived it. The devil is always working to undermine Christ. Yet today we face a reinvigorated Islam, that never produced anything but misery and slavery.

Konrad goes on to describe the Western Civilization, blessed with the Christian faith, as dynamic and inventive. Science in its true form bloomed in Christiandom because of a belief, born of the Bible, that God is not the god of chaos and confusion. Thus the world is knowable, and Christians set out to find it.

Recently, we have lost faith in science not because science is bad, but because scientists themselves have betrayed science and us by claiming science in the name of Leftist politics. Similarly, what was and is the only way to make a living, by trading something you have for something someone else needs (capitalism) has become a dirty word in a post Christian and increasingly pagan world. Churches have betrayed the people by bowing to the world rather than standing up for the Gospel of Christ. All of these things stem from a lack of faith in the saving promises of Christ. We must have spines of steel, and put on the full armor of God.

What is going on in the Mideast is much deeper than an ethnic, colonial, or national struggle. Should Israel fail, world civilization will fall accordingly.
This is why I support Israel, and why the West should continue to do so.
Let Hamas be destroyed.

Exactly so.

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