Saturday, May 18, 2024

Is The Pope Catholic?

 Andrea Widburg posted this last night at the American Thinker, so I decided to put it up today here at Standing By. She takes the old joke about the pope and asks Is the Pope Catholic? A joke question becomes a serious one. I have been saying this for a while now. This Pope, like Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi, may claim to be Catholic, but he is not.

Specifically, Pope Francis is a product of "liberation theology." It is basically a Marxist social justices movement wrapped in religious language. Remember, the Left will say anything to get you to agree with them, to the point of turning Christians with 'liberation theology." But as I have noted, one cannot be a Christian and a Leftists. Why? Because Leftism, at its core, is a materialistic religion. The prosperity gospel falls within the same parameters. But the Triune God is spiritual, and demands your faith, your trust, and ultimately your loyalty. These things are not material.

The correct response to Pope Francis is "Get behind me Satan." For Francis has mistaken the devil for God. I get why faithful Catholics want to give Pope Francis the benefit of the doubt. They believe he sits in the chair because of the prayers and meditations of the various Cardinals. But if they read their Bibles, they will know that he is a false pope by what he says and does.

The Church’s strength, always, has been two-fold: Its fealty to its core religious doctrines and the glacial slowness with which it changes. Its teachings are meant to be primary and eternal, rather than to move with the fads of the moment. Changing those teachings is an enormously consequential act because each change raises doubts about the church’s prior infallibility. You’re not a spiritual or cultural bulwark if you change policies according to the polls and the whims of the crowd.

Widburg is here alluding to the fact that the Bible has not changed in 2000 years. If we believe Jesus, that He was the Son of God, sent into the world to save mankind from despite his sinful life, then there can be no new discoveries that change church dogma. Like the Constitution, there can be no "penumbras" hiding new doctrines. Yet Francis keeps inventing new teachings.

Marxism corrupts everything it touches. Pope Francis reflects that fact and he’s exposing the rot with his statements and sophistry on 60 Minutes. Once, the Catholic church stood for something unique, intangible, and permanent. Under Pope Francis’s aegis, it's beginning to stand for nothing at all.

Andrea Widburg is a Jew, so may not know that the Rock on which the Church is built is Jesus Christ Himself. It cannot fall. There are thousands of faithful Catholics, not to mention Lutherans and others to stand against the evils that currently surround us. We were born for such times, and must stand strong against the pagan onslaught. But having a pope like Pope Francis giving interviews to 60 Minutes is disgraceful and embarrassing.

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