Friday, May 10, 2024

Another Reason to be Grateful for George Washington

 Daniel Greenfield, aka Sultan Knish, has post at his website entitled The Left's Plot Against George Washington. If you do not know the history of the Left, the idea that the Left had a plot against Washington will surprise you. That's because the media tend to focus on Karl Marx as the founder of the Left. But actually, the Left has existed since the snake tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden. Oh, the devil changes tactics to snare people in every age, but he is always a liar and a murderer. He always attempts to subjugate people under him.

We must remember that there were two revolutions in the 18th century. One was the American revolution, which resulted in the republic of the United States of America, and the French revolution, which devolved into the reign of terror. The philosophies underlying the two revolutions were diametrically opposite. While the American revolution specifically invoked God and Divine Providence, the French revolution was a consciously atheist affair. And the French revolution was therefore a Leftist revolution.

But the War on Washington isn’t just a recent phenomenon.
The Left didn’t want until George Washington was a statue to topple him. Newspapers like The National Gazette, The Philadelphia Aurora and The New York Time Piece, which were the vanguard of the emerging Democratic-Republican party, depicted him being led to the guillotine.
Democrats today claim that they oppose George Washington because he was a slave owner, but why did Democrats who were not only slave owners then but defended slavery (unlike Washington who favored liberating slaves and whose Washington Benevolent Societies were the organizing network for black conservative voters in the 1800s ) oppose him then?
Long before their relatively recent interest in organizing black people, American leftists were great enthusiasts of the French Revolution and favored bringing it to this country. My book, ‘Domestic Enemies: The Founding Fathers’ Fight Against The Left’, reveals how the Democrats got their start as the “French Party” built around “Democratic Societies” modeled on French radical Jacobin clubs and set up with the aid of foreign emissaries of the French Revolution.
George Washington’s great crime in the eyes of the leftists of his day was his refusal to turn over America to the forces of the French Revolution which was the USSR of its day.


French Foreign Minister Charles Delacroix had urged Citizen Pierre-Auguste Adet, the French ambassador, to “use all means in his power to bring about a successful revolution, and Washington’s replacement.”
Washington, always a fighter, would not take the leftist campaign against him lying down.
In his address to Congress, President George Washington had warned of the threat of “certain self-created societies.” By those he meant the Democratic Societies. In a private letter he even more explicitly described how “these societies were instituted by the artful & designing members (many of their body I have no doubt mean well, but know little of the real plan),” by an agent of the French government “under popular and fascinating guises, the most diabolical attempts to destroy the best fabric of human government.” The Democratic Societies, he warned, were created to “sow Sedition; to poison the minds of the people of this country.”

We owe the Father of our Country a great debt of gratitude for his actions. He managed to provide an example of humble service, right actions, and faith in God that has stood the test of time. Greenfield has provided yet another reason to be grateful that Washington was our first President under the Constitution.

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