Tuesday, January 5, 2021

I will start to resist by acknowledging reality

 I have decided to begin the resistance by acknowledging reality at every turn.  I have been noodling about this since New Year day.  Yesterday, while driving, I heard Congressman Cleaver giving a prayer the day before that he ended with "Amen and a woman."  So, here is the first bit of reality.  That was the most ignorant thing I have heard from a supposed "reverend."  The actual word "Amen" can be translated as "so may it be" and comes from the Hebrew, by way of Latin into Old English.  It has noting to do with sex or gender.

Interestingly, Dennis Prager has an article at Townhall.com that tells us what happens when societies abandon reality and forbid the truth. The article, entitled I now understand the 'Good German'. The 'Good German' were the people who didn't hurt the Jews, but didn't help them either. But they were facing the Gestapo if they didn't conform. We, by contrast, have buckled under the threat of being merely shamed by people whose opinion, frankly doesn't matter.  Please go read Prager's article.  Prager, by the way, is a fount of knowledge and wisdom.

So, here are a few doses of reality to start the New Year right.  Black Lives Matter, the organization is a Marxist group, and could not care less about actual black lives.  The truth?  Black lives do not matter either more or less than any other human life.  We each are unique individuals, whose lives do indeed matter much.  Our lives matter to those around us, and those who love us, and who we love.  Note, you should not raise your fist in solidarity with BLM, nor should we ever kneel.  Indeed, no American should kneel to anyone, or anything except the Lord God.

Antifa stands for Anti Fascist.  Interestingly, they use fascist tactics to supposedly stop Fascists.  The irony is astounding.  More ironic, they keep calling Trump and his supporters "fascists" and Trump a dictator.  But Trump has never done anything dictatorial, while governors like Cuomo, Newsom, and even our own Roy Cooper have been very real dictators and petty tyrants.  They have forced people to stay at home, have shut down businesses, and denied people the ability to make a living.

Then there is the whole masks save lives thing.  Masks do not protect one from respiratory viruses, period.  You're not protecting those around you, nor are you protecting yourself.  We need to resist as much as possible wearing a mask.  I don't make a big deal about it, but the more of us who refuse to wear a mask, and resist Unconstitutional dictatorial orders the less effective such dictatorial orders will become.  At some point, they simply can't arrest everyone without losing the ability to govern at all.  This is exactly what we want.

Of course, the Chinese virus is real, and deadly to some, as is the flu.  Indeed, any respiratory virus is potentially deadly to those with compromised lung capacity, and comorbidities.  The body can only handle so many attacks before it begins to fail.  Yet, the Chinese virus has a pretty high survival rate, better than 99%.  Even President Trump a 74 year old who is fat survived with flying colors.  Every death is, of course, a tragedy, but we all do eventually die.

Words are NOT actual violence.  Sorry, but the old saying that "sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can not hurt me" is literally true.  Yes, words can be offensive, but whether or not you take offence is entirely up to you.  You control your reactions.  If you become offended, it is not the words that triggered you, but you and your immaturity.  Don't like me calling you immature?  Then grow up, put on the big boy or girl pants, and become a useful citizen making his or her own way.  There are no safe spaces in the real world.  And yes, there is real evil in the world.

Which is why people living in the real world know how to use a weapon.  Most never have to use that weapon, but it is there, just in case.  Most people never have to use their fire extinguisher either.  but they have one.  Of course, I will not pretend to analyze your risks.  That is for you.  But a mature individual at least thinks about things like this, and prepares to protect those under his care.   

I must note, as a matter of reality, that God made man with just two sexes, male and female.  Each sex has a role to play in the family, so both are necessary to raising healthy children.  There are no other genders, no "transgender"   If a man thinks he is a woman, he is confused.  We should not indulge him by referring to him by female pronouns.  The standard pronouns are sufficient for the purpose.  No need to invent new ones.  Also, gay people, cross dressers, furries, and such are people to be pitied, not celebrated. 

So, men are designed to marry women, and vice versa.  A child is born at the moment of conception.  If nothing happens to interrupt the process, the child will grow and in due time be born into the world, and become another unique individual whose life matters.  Therefore, to interrupt that life by having an abortion is murder.  It certainly should not be done casually.  We only execute actual murderers after exhausting every appeal through the courts, and even then, not always.  Do you not see the horrible injustice executing an innocent child?

I will also commit to reading a Psalm a day.  Psalms are prayers.  I pray  every day, it is true, but now I am adding the ancient Jewish prayers as well, because the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of Creation, God the Father is real, and to acknowledge that fact is the first step in acknowledging reality.

Please join me in acknowledging reality.  It was expressed, perhaps more artfully by Rudyard Kipling in his poem, The Gods of the Copybook Headings.  There are realities in life that can not be wished away.  It is time we speak these truths to what is becoming our out of touch elites.

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