Sunday, January 3, 2021

The Cheat in Plain Sight

 There are a number of articles today on the issue of the stolen election.  For example there is the article at the American Thinker entitled Proff of fraud may lie in vanishing Trump votes. Andrea Widburg notes that:

The same witnesses who introduced this evidence about the adjudicated ballots were also responsible for evidence showing that the computers, instead of just adding votes as they came in for each candidate, were stripping votes from Trump. Sometimes the votes went to Biden; sometimes the votes just vanished...
Meanwhile, Daniel Greenfield notes at Sultan Knish that the quotation from Stalin, that it's not the voters who count, but the people who count the votes is actually true.
Boris Bazhanov had worked as Stalin's private secretary and, unlike most of the murderous Communist dictator's associates, survived by escaping before he could be killed. Still a young man in his twenties, Bazhanov had seen too much and enough to know what was coming. On New Year’s Day, he fled across the border from Turkmenistan to Persia, then through India, surviving several assassination attempts along the way, before finding refuge in France.
Bazhanov's memoir about his time with Stalin had several titles, it's named Bazhanov and the Damnation of Stalin in English, but all of the versions lay out the damning story of how Stalin took over the Soviet Union by manipulating the system and ruthlessly purging his rivals.
"Do you know what I think about this?" Stalin replied, "I believe that who and how people in the Party vote, is unimportant. What is extremely important is who counts the votes, and how they are recorded."
The quote, despite the attempts to suppress it with Stalinists fact checking Stalinism, is indeed real. But what’s more important is what Bazhanov relates happened after this conversation.
Greenfield goes on to describe the way that Stalin used Pravda to publish false election results. Despite actually losing the election, Pravda articles convince the party members that Stalin had won. Rather like what is happening now with the MSM, only Pravda was more artful, apparently. But the clearest article is at by Kevin McCullough entitled The Cheat In Plain Sight.
They relied upon the data as certified by the Georgia Secretary of State (who should probably go to jail) and they drew their conclusions based on the logs as votes were tallied in real time. So save your breath if you think you’ve already got the answer to their conclusions because the original source material they drew upon is the certified numbers that the state allocated electors for. They are inaccurate. They do not represent the will of the state of Georgia. And they are definitive proof of an overwhelming win by Donald J. Trump—at least in Georgia. It’s all based on one simple idea.
In Georgia’s tabulation process, President Trump repeatedly “lost votes.” Had them subtracted. Had them taken away.
McCullough notes that the Georgia Secretary of State should probably go to jail. I suspect a lot of people whould probably go to jail.

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