Sunday, January 10, 2021

There is no one to defend you, but you

Today, at the Epoch Times there is an article entitled Amazon To Remove Parler from its Web Hosting Service by Janita Kan.
Parler founder and CEO John Matze said in a statement that the multinational technology company will be shutting Parler’s servers at midnight Sunday, Jan. 10.
Matze has characterized the decision as “an attempt to completely remove free speech off the internet.”
He added that Parler may be unavailable for up to a week as they work to rebuild the networking service online.
Of course, I urge gentle readers to go to the Epoch Times and read the entire article. Personally, I trust this outfit as much as I do any news gathering source, so readers here might want to support them financially as well.

One wonders about the gross over reaction to the 6th January gathering of patriots in Washington, DC. But it becomes obvious when you read that the crowd was half a million strong. Trump asked any patriots to come to D.C. to support him, and 500,000 came. That has got to scare the heck out of the Dems. They couldn't draw so many, because frankly their platform is dismal for anyone who isn't a member of the club (and you ain't). And of course, the numbers who voted FOR the president has to scare them as well. That fear draws forth the third article of the Twenty-First Century Rules for Revolutionaries, an article at the American Thinker by Caren Besner:
#3: The revolution must get control over mass media and the education system.
Truth is defined by whatever the revolution says it is, and anyone who dares speak out is immediately silenced. Only information advancing the revolutionary cause may be heard and taught. Once the revolution gains control over mass media, it controls all the information that is disseminated, and once the revolution gains control over the education system, it controls the future.
A few other items to get your blood stirred up this morning: Over at V is an article by James Kirkpatrick entitled U.S. Capitol Protest: Ruling Class Tantrum Shows Americans We Must Hang Together. The title includes a reference to Benjamin Franklin's famous quote "We must, indeed, all hang together or, most assuredly, we shall all hang separately."
Power can only be checked by power, and because President Donald J. Trump and the Conservative Movement ™ didn’t oppose the emerging Totalitarian Left when they had the chance, the Historic American Nation is about to suffer real tyranny under the boot of our corporate and political rulers. The good news: the Capitol Hill protest and its subsequent repression was another step in the radicalization, not of the Dissident Right, which already knows the score only too well, but of the mass of ordinary American patriots.
Still, there’s hope to be found in this situation because progressives aren’t leaving ordinary Americans any way out. There are no more “conservatives” because there’s nothing left to conserve. There are just patriots on the one hand and collaborators with an increasingly hostile and hateful regime on the other.
If you are fighting a battle, you must leave the enemy a way out, or else you must annihilate them completely. There is no alternative. But a lot of us will succumb even though the cause of freedom, liberty, and Christianity eventually wins. For believe me, these hollow pagan philosophies do not shine a bright enough light in the human heart.

What you must understand, finally, is that there is nothing to defend you, but you. The Constitution is now a dead letter, an historical artifact. Oh, the Left will claim it is outdated. Like the Bible, of course, it is actually a timeless document, but also like the Bible, it has been often ignored and misinterpreted for selfish ends.

I have styled myself a Constitutional Conservative. But as Kirkpatrick points out, there is nothing left to conserve. I remain a patriot, cling to my God and my guns. Obama was wrong though, it is not because I am afraid of people who don't look like me. What a silly notion. No, it is that certain ways of thinking are incompatible with the founding principles of this nation. And it is these founding principles that I carry my Bible, my gun, and revere my God.

Speaking of the Constitution being dead, over at today, Andrew Pollack tells us to Get Ready for the Biden Gun Grab. The socialists will try to frame whatever gun grab they intend to take as crime prevention, or suicide prevention, or to stop school shootings, which always gets the vote of the ignorant soccer moms. None of that is true. What is true is that the Socialists want a monopoly of violence to threaten you with. They know their programs are unpopular. They don't care. However, they do care about their own skins. Of course the NRA and some others may hold out hope that the Supremes may stop them. But the Supremes have shown they are too cowardly. Truly, there is no one to defend you, but you.

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