Thursday, January 14, 2021

We The People Must Make This Right

 I have been noodling over why the haters of Donald Trump so despise him.  They started trying to figure out how to keep him out of office the moment he announced he was running.  As a man who had no political experience, the announcement had to seem like a vanity project for a rich, indulged real estate developer.  But, as we have found out, the FBI, the CIA, probably some other 3 letter agencies, plus the DNC and the Hillary campaign were out to get Trump.

Then he won.  They tried for four years to get him out, and he persisted,  And he kept doing things that the people who voted for him wanted him to do.  It was great.

Yesterday, the new Democrat Congress, with a few Republican turncoats, impeached him for a second time.  Now, at this point, he has 6 more days in office, but they want him gone NOW. 

I have heard a number of theories for why they are so scared of him.  One is that he will trigger the Insurrection Act and start arresting anyone who was involved in foreign interference with the election.  If he was going to do that, he would have already, and he clearly hasn't.  Oh, he will declassify a bunch of stuff exposing these "traitors."  Again, if he was going to do that, he should have done it while he had nominal control.  Indeed, some think he might keep these documents and use them.  Again, if he had them and if he intended to use them, he should have already.  No, the truth is I can not for the life of me figure out why they are so anxious.

Some have speculated that he would run again in four years.  I don't think so for a number of reasons, some discussed below.  But he will be 78 in for years old.  At that age, a lot can happen in four years.

The DemocRats (Read Leftists, Communists, Socialists, Progressives, or the latest flag under which they are fighting.  They change flags like I change underwear to keep their opponents on their heels.) have won.  They, of course, will have no interest in changing election laws because these election laws enabled them to steal an election in plain sight and get away with it.  The Republican party is through, though they may keep just enough Republicans on hand to make their new policies look bipartisan.  But there will never...ever...not gonna a conservative in the White House again.

At the  American Thinker today, Kenneth R. Timmerman has an article entitled Our Leaders Have Betrayed Us that our institution have all failed us massively:

I’ll wager that 75 million of us have followed pretty closely the drama of the past two months, so there’s no need to recount the claims and counterclaims of election fraud.
The Democrats can say what they want, and pound it into us with the sledgehammers of the national media and Big Tech: they still have failed to convince us that we are wrong.
It’s like that famous scene in the first Star Wars movie when Obiwan Kenobi waves his hand before the eyes of the Empire soldiers. The Democrats keep telling us, those are not the votes we are looking for.
But unlike the Empire soldiers, we are not duped. What we have seen over the past two months goes way beyond dismay or disbelief. What we have witnessed is the utter collapse of the foundational institutions of our republic.
Then, there is David E. Atwood, also at the American Thinker today, telling anyone who cares to listen Why the Right Will Neither Forgive nor Forget. There may be a reason why the symbol of the Republican Party has been an elephant, for these massive beasts are said to remember everything. And what we know, no matter the gas lighting we get from all media, including Fox, is that we have seen the evidence. We have seen the anomolies in the vote counting. We have seen Trump votes disappear only to show up as Biden votes. We have listend to and read the affidavits of actual eye witnesses to election fraud and ballot stuffing. Trumps legal team seems to have gone radio silent, but we saw all that evidence to which the courts turned a blind eye. We will not forget.

The Left keeps poking conservatives in the eye, hoping to provoke a reaction.  We must not react, for that is what they want.  At the same time, the fight we are in is a fight between good and evil.  No, it is not we who will win the fight, but God.  However, we have a role.  One thing is to note those Republicans who voted to impeach with the DemocRats.  They are on the side of evil, and must go.   We must primary them.

At the same time, we must stand for the rights all, not just ourselves.  Every right in the Bill of Rights must be honored even for our enemies.  And not because we are better than they are; I don't believe that is true.  Rather, because that is the only way this works.  Oh, and yes, you are free to mock their stupid ideas.

Meanwhile, here is today's Psalm at The Bible Gateway

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