Thursday, January 28, 2021

Tulsi Gabbard Defends Conservatives

 Tulsi Gabbard was on the Tucker Carlson show the other day.  Now, Gabbard is no conservatives.  Indeed, she ran in the primaries as a Democrat.  Gabbard says that the Leftists now in power are attempting to turn the United States into a police state.  Of course what they are doing is against the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.  But never mind, because the Supreme Court will somehow find that it is all nice and legal like.  After all, if you are a conservative who advocates for following the Constitution for every American, you are a "domestic terrorist."  Breitbart has the Tucker Carlson Tonight show right here.

We need to continue to speak out and speak the truth. We can not let our rights go unused, or we will surely lose them.  Our First Amendment rights support all our other rights, including the Second Amendment.  But, as you can see, H.R. 5717 propses every Un American gun control imaginable. And the Second Amendment of course, is intended to support the First Amendment.  So, like I said, we all need to speak out now, or...

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