Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Why The Left Suppresses Free Speech

 Today, at Townhall.com Dennis Prager discusses why Left must suppress free speech. It is, of course, because they have to suppress any dissent. Their ideas do not hold up when faced with dissenting opinions:

Let us begin with this fact: The left always suppresses speech. Since Vladimir Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1917, there has been no example of the left in control and not crushing dissent.
That is one of the important differences between liberal and left: Liberalism and liberals believe in free speech. (The present leftist threat to freedom in America, the greatest threat to freedom in American history, is made possible because liberals think they have more to fear from conservatives than from the left. Liberals do not understand that the left regards liberals as their useful idiots.)
So, we return to the opening question: Why does the left need to crush all dissent? This is a question made all the more stark because there is no parallel on the right: Conservatives do not shut down dissent or debate.
The answer, though the left will not acknowledge it, is the left fears dissent. And they do so for good reason. Leftism is essentially a giant balloon filled with nothing but hot air. Therefore, no matter how big the balloon -- the Democratic Party, The New York Times, Yale University -- all it takes is a mere pin to burst it.
Go read Dennis Prager's article today at Why the Left Has To Suppress Free Speech. Beside fact that the Left is suppressing our God given right to free speech, they are also deliberately taking away the very purpose of our First Amendment, designed to acknowledge these rights.

Note that the acknowledge of free speech does not permit illegal speech, nor does it condone speech that coordinates illegal activities.  But it has become obvious that the people cancelling conservatives have no problem with violence or illegal activities as long as the illegal activity supports their agenda.

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