Monday, April 17, 2023

Do not fall for the lie

I have two today that are loosely related by two different authors at two different sites.  First up will be J. B. Shuk at the American Thinker in a piece entitled They Fear You. The whole article is worth reading, and makes perfectly explicit what I have meant by the "the government that doesn't trust you, particluarly with guns, can not be trusted." In particular, though, I wanted to point out what Shurk says about the "Restrict Act" currently being debated in the Senate:

As the American Uniparty's collaboration with Schwab's Marxist globalists continues to grow, expect these serious violations of the First Amendment's protections for free speech to proliferate. After all, in a remarkable display of political and bureaucratic goose-stepping, the District of Corruption's occupying workforce has been nearly unanimous in its enthusiastic support for and adoration of Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky and his "new Western democracy." No matter how many jackboots Zelensky sends to shut down churches, crush opposing political parties, or silence dissenting citizens, the bombastic Washington despots who endlessly chirp about "Western virtues" are the same ones proclaiming their full-throated support for the worst kinds of tyranny. Welcome to the "new America," where ruling-class contempt for freedom is no longer disguised.
Right now State-aligned corporate news firms are breathlessly reporting about Pentagon leaks that might have come from a twenty-one-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guardsman. While the revelations contained in those documents demonstrate that the Department of Defense has perpetuated outright lies regarding Ukraine's likelihood of success against Russia, State-aligned propagandists posing as journalists have used the leaks not to hold government actors accountable, but rather to justify the expansion of government powers. Almost gleefully supporting the Uniparty's calls for the urgent passage of The Restrict Act — legislation ostensibly drafted to combat China's TikTok but in actuality a statutory vehicle designed to provide the federal government with broad authority to confront internet "danger" — the American press play along while the Legislative and Executive Branches use this present "crisis" as an excuse to swing the sledgehammer down on Americans' free speech. As those with eyes to see and sufficient backbone to speak uncomfortable truths have noted, The Restrict Act is an "online PATRIOT Act" meant not to protect, but rather to silence Americans.
Make no bones about it: the federal government's number-one worry is you.
It is the bolded part I want to talk about here. No doubt you have heard that it is supposed to be the tik tok ban act. But there is no mention of tik tok in the bill. And while tik tok is irritating, I would not ban it, becuase its users would just find another medium on which to express their crude and vulgar selves. And really, the Chinese are only using their platform the way domestic companies use their own platform to spy on Americans. Frankly, if I banned tik tok, I would ban them all.

But the Restrict Act is so much broader and so much more vague. I am pretty sure I have violated the Restrict Act already. Indeed, I suspect this post violates the Restrict Act even though it is not yet law. That of course would be an ex post facto law which is Un-Constitutional, but our so called "leaders" don't care about such things. This shows you how much they fear you, that they will violate the Constitution to intimidate you and shut you up.

The second article is one by Mark Lewis at entitled Bud Lite, Lenin and Marx, Part Three in which Lewis posts quotes from Lenin and Marx illustrating the diabolical nature of socialism, and the fact that the socialists are playing for all the marbles and will use any means to get them. Marbles is played where the shooter attempts to knock marbles out of the circle from a position outside the circle. But socialists will violate the circle to position themselves to best advantage to win. What this means is that they don't care how many people must be killed and destroyed, so long as they win.

6. “We have no compassion, and we ask no compassion from you. When our turn comes, we shall not make excuses for the terror.” Yes, that is precisely what communism is and does. No compassion. Terror. No excuses for utter inhumanity. Lenin said “terror” must come. It is obvious who he got that from. That’s the Left. Do you think they are/will be different in America?
7. “The meaning of peace is the absence of opposition to socialism.” There will be no peace until everyone accepts socialism. This is a war to the death for these people. It is what they believe in; they believe in nothing else, and they demand you believe it, too. And if you don’t, they will kill you. As long as you oppose socialism—or until they are crushed—you can expect increased violence, aggression, and societal conflict in America. The Democrats are committed socialists, and there will be only war until you are, too. That’s what Marx said. And then, when socialism wins, as evidenced by the 20th century and current socialist states, there will be no freedom, only oppression, and death. No peace until you submit and obey. Do you want freedom? Forget it. Communism destroys freedom and demands total submission. And the government will always be necessary to achieve that. The idea that the government will someday “disappear” is the biggest lie in Marxism.
10. “Communism abolishes eternal truths, it abolishes all religion, and all morality, instead of constituting them on a new basis; it, therefore, acts in contradiction to all past historical experience.” Yep, exactly. Atheism means no eternal truths and believes all religions should be abolished. And wherever they’ve gotten power, that is precisely what they tried to do (and are trying to do in China). All morality is subjective, defined by the Communist Party, and subject to change as circumstances dictate. Whatever is suitable for the Party, for the ultimate advancement to “true communism”—lying, murder, theft, etc.—is “moral.” That is the standard of morality in communism. And in the Democratic Party. Indeed, as Marx said, this is a rejection of all historical precedent and wisdom.
Marx and Lenin told us precisely what they believed and exactly what they intended to do. Leftist organizations like Anheuser-Busch, Disney, Nike, and the Democratic Party are simply following Marxism’s marching orders. The war is on. We are smack in the middle of it right now. The sad thing is so many Americans are still sleeping through it.
Please also read Mark Lewis's article. If you are not familiar with Marx and Lenin, it will be an eye opener. Communism and socialism are not as they advertise themselves. Indeed, if they told the truth about themselves, no one would ever want such a system. But these political ideologies sneak in with soft words, or change the meaning of words to sound somehow better. Do not fall for it. It is all lies.

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