Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Do not let the Left make you lie

I don't know what the future holds, of course, and neither does anyone else. Only the Father knows the place and time of the Second coming of Christ. Nevertheless, one can see certain things coming that seem catastrophic for our way of life, short of a miracle. J. Robert Smith has an article at the American Thinker entitled Ready Yourself For The 2024 Storms that attempts to outline what we can expect.
The end of the Marxist-infiltrated Progressive Era isn’t happening with a whimper, but with bangs. In 2024, it’ll happen with convulsions, likely violent. What follows is up for grabs.
The foreshadowing occurred again in Nashville last week. Will the leftist-stoked and Democrat/establishment sanctioned 2020 riots prove merely a preview to a calamitous and pivotal 2024 presidential election year?
The so-called transexual community scheduled a "day of vengence" for the Saturday following the Nashville shooters rampage. But vengence for what? Nobody is actually preventing adults from living out their delusions. What all normal people object to is grooming our children. Don't. Mess. With. Our. Kids.  Normal people know that there is no such thing as trans-anything.  But if an adult wants to indulge is such fantasies, have at it.
Tucker Carlson was quite right in his monologue last week: Christianity and transgenderism are wildly incompatible. Forget gobbledygook Christianity practiced by congregation-bleeding churches. Christianity and transgenderism never will reconcile. True science dictates, too, bolstering Christian teaching.
Humans aren’t gods with dominion to “transform” themselves from man to woman or woman to man. Any more than humans can cause the sun to rise in the west and set in the east, any more than man can destroy the earth’s climate. Any more than humans can create intelligent machines that rule the world. All are vanities, conceits, delusions, fantasies. All are Towers of Babel.
Please go read Smith's article. Do what you can to prepare. But understand that the Left will do everything they can to force you fall in line with their nonsense. Do not fall for it. They want to make you to tell things you know are untrue to demoralize you and make it easier to take over. the woke wackos are a minority of the American public. Even most teachers don't believe most of this crap, though their unions seem to be all in. But Smith points out that the woke wackos and the Communists are alied with the Uniparty establishment. The establishment doesn't believe these things, but they want power, control, and of course, wealth and status.
Conceits rule and are ruining America. Marxism, wokism, Left reverse racism, and conceits of a more usual stripe: those driven by lusts for power and control. Greed is ancient. If you ever wonder why the establishment and Left are allied, it’s more than the Left’s infiltration of institutions. Both are allied because they share an insatiable appetite for power.
Both will eventually turn on the other, so overwhelming is their hunger for absolute power -- but only if this phase of their war on America succeeds, which is far from certain. Yet today, these allies are putting a wrecking ball to the country, thanks to fatal misbeliefs -- thanks to the Marxist imperative for destruction -- which guide their governance, policies, and cultural standards. Destruction, a form of power, precedes ruling power.

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