Saturday, April 15, 2023

Review of Movie Entitled Nefarious

I haven't been to see a movie at the theater in years, at least since the start of the pandemic. However, Mrs. PolyKahr and I went to see a movie Thursday entitled Nefarious that was recommended by Glenn Beck. It was based on a book by Blaze personality Steave Deace. Today, at The Federalist Samuel Mangold-Lennett has a review of Nefarious that gives you a good idea of what it is about and its impact on the viewer.

To say that it is a psychological thriller is not really accurate, though if you are looking for the sort of cheap theatrics of a movie like The Exorcist you may find this movie boring. It is mostly an interview between Brady/Nefarious and Dr. James Martin, the atheistic psychiatrist send to determine if Brady was sane before executing him.

Dr. James Martin, the highly accredited psychiatrist tasked with providing Brady with an “impartial review,” approaches the evaluation with the requisite hubris of a highly credentialed millennial. But his preconceived understanding of the situation and his secular worldview prevent him from engaging with the true nature of the reality presented before him. And seeing as how Brady is very explicitly possessed by a demon named “Nefarious,” this makes a dominant theme of the film readily apparent: Evil is all around us, in both the often unnoticed ignorance of modern banality and in glaringly obvious manifestations.

As a believer, I found myself growing cold at the things Nefarious said, in part because I recognized the process the demons use to trap us. Moreover, the absolute hatred Nefarious desribes of he and his master for God and for His creation made my blood run cold. And it can feel like there is no hope, that no one could ever forgive you. And here is where Nefarious mentions "the Carpenter" who died to save all mankind. Nefarious hates Him more that the Father or us. Jesus snuck into the world by being born to a lowly virgin, growing up in of all places, Nazareth. He had to keep His true self a secret until His crucifiction. Nefarious describes how surprised and disgusted they all felt at being tricked.

But of course, we can repent, unlike the demons. We can call upon the Lord and repent and serve Him. For the truth is that we all must serve. We are caught between two warring factions: God and the devil. We either serve one or the other. But serving one side means Life and Truth. The other means lies and an eternity of pain. 

Spoiler alert: Unfortunately for him, Dr. James Martin doesn't take advantage of this incredibly gracious gift, offered to least not during the movie.

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