Saturday, April 1, 2023

Is This Why We Are So Fat, Redux?

 From Viv Forbes, in Australia, comes a report at the American Thinker entitled The green time bomb. Australia is suffering from unreliable energy due to too much wind and solar, and not enough steady power from fossil fuels. Forbes points out that unreliable energy results in spoiled food at all levels of the food chain from farms to producers to grocery stores, to home kitchens.

We have already written about the unreliability of so called "green" energy. It simply will not support 7 billion of us, and the people promoting it know that. That leads to the suspicion that part of the push for green energy is a push as well to kill off as many of us as possible. Some have even proposed that our planet can support no more than a few hundred million world wide. That's quite a die off.

Of more interest, however, is the journey that Forbes describes toward a carnivore diet. It is one that I have been on also. Grass fed beef, free range chickens and their eggs, sheep, goats, shrimp, and a bunch of other  creatures, (Forbes describes them in detail), these and fruits and vegetables in season are what our hunter-gatherer ancestors ate.  Oh, and they didn't just eat the meat, they ate the organs too.

As far back as we have recorded history, humans have been hunter-gatherers. They hunted, cooked, ate, and sometimes farmed cattle, goats, sheep, pigs, ducks, turkeys, swans, antelope, buffalo, caribou, mammoths, deer, bears, horses, mules, donkeys, camels, seals, herrings, prawns, oysters, crabs, clams, cod, whales, sharks, salmon, kangaroos, possums, rabbits, hares, rats, mice, dogs, cougars, eels, snakes and even other humans (aboriginal cannibals on the Palmer River gold field in early Australia preferred to eat better-tasting Chinese people who ate lots of rice than oversalted Britishers who ate lots of salt beef.)
When the hunters were successful, the tribe rejoiced and feasted mightily before the meats spoiled. But when the hunters failed, they relied on the gatherers for ripening fruits, honey, tubers, wild onions, nuts and laboriously harvested grains. They learned that some plant foods were toxic unless treated in special ways by grinding, roasting, fermenting and cooking. Meats were the favored food but some tribes also consumed raw milk, butter, cheese and blood from their animals. Some ate fish and water fowl. Fruits were seasonal foods and tubers, onions and grains were survival foods. Party foods like sugar and alcohol were more recent inventions.
Men have always battled over hunting, fishing and farming territory, but now greens are trying to lock all humans out with national parks, world heritage declarations, and bans and quotas on farming, fishing and hunting. They subsidize the sterilization of farms and grasslands with wind and solar “farms,” access roads, and spider webs of power lines. They also promote the conversion of farmland to bush and encourage offshore bird choppers whose sonic noise upsets neighbours and seems to addle the navigating abilities of some sea creatures.
Now greens are attacking our carnivore diet and promoting a granivore-vegetarian diet for humans. Politicians should be free to choose their own diet but they should not force meat lovers to pretend they are granivores with crops and gizzards, or plant-eating ruminants with extra stomachs and who spend ages re-chewing their vegetarian cuds.
Men are not meant to eat the garbage the greens are pushing on us. Think about it; real grass raised beef and wild caught sea food contains all the vitmins and minerals a body needs. The egg is in fact a little kit for building a complete chicken. It contains all the proteins, vitamins, minerals and fats need to build bone and sinew to form a chick.  Can we survive on the soylant green crap they want us to eat? Maybe, with a bunch of supplements. But it is not natural.

Forbes concludes with:

We can see the obese results of this green food revolution waddling down the aisles of supermarkets and ordering green smoothies and muffins in the food courts.
Green energy will prove a disaster for our economy, and green foods will be a deadly choice for many humans.
Future footpaths will be crowded with mobility scooters and hospitals and care homes will be overwhelmed by unhealthy aging vegans.

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