Saturday, April 8, 2023

Tomorrow is Easter

 Gentle readers may have noticed that I have lately referred to the demonic origin of many Leftist ideologies. Now, you may think I have gone off the rails.  After all, as in the words of Rush Limbaugh, I consider myself, if not the mayor, certainly a citizen of Realville.  But I also claim Christ, and him crucified, and resurrected on the third day, and that He lives forever.  So did Rush, by the way.  Interestingly, the more delusional things get in society, the more I fall back on real data.  And it was while doing so that I dicovered that Realville includes an unseen spiritual side that includes the Heavenly Hosts, but also Lucifer and the demons.  

Now, at the American Thinker Nancy Van Deest tells it "like it is" in an article entitled Leftism and the Minions of Satan.

As more Americans abandon God, evil gains a greater foothold in the U.S., working nonstop to demolish our constitutional republic. While many people sense a hidden malignancy choreographing what's taking place, they can't identify it. Make no mistake: ultimately, Satan is behind these efforts, using his deluded followers, both in and outside government, to lure Americans away from Christian values to fundamentally transform their hearts, minds, souls and ultimately the nation.
Whether it is abortion, or participating in various sexual perversions such as gay and lesbian sex, pornography, cross dressing, or the latest: transgenderism, these things are ultimately demonic. Each of these things were common in the ancient world. Each of these things had its own demon whether Moloch, Ba'al, or Ishtar. We think we 'evolved' moderns have just come up with this stuff. But no, we have not. The Bible warns us against all these perversions, not because God says they are wrong, but because these things take our attention away from Him and His will for us. And then there is Gaia, which proposes that a lifeless rock can be a goddess.  How ridiculous is that?

God created man in His image. Male and female he made them. Thus the "identity politics" is wrong.You and I are not our race, our sexual proclivities, or anything else about us is unimportant. Only our relationship with God, through Jesus Christ. This is all, and always has been because of Lucifer tempted our first parents in the Garden of Eden.

Although God warns against pride, leftists wear it as a badge of honor and even set aside Pride Month to flaunt their debauchery. Since God is the author of all creation, he knows each one of us from the depths of our mothers' wombs and calls us His beloved and worthy of life. They respond that unborn babies are just clumps of cells and a constitutional right exists to kill them, regardless of gestation period. Furthermore, they encourage the murder of anyone who stands in the way of their child sacrifices. Therefore, in their delusions, abortion is health care. Yet at the same time, they push gun control on legal gun-owners, justifying their power grab with false concern that if it saves just one person, then it is worthy! Finally, they want to remove parents' God-given stewardship of His children and give that authority over to the government to mold children into like-minded freaks partaking in their abnormal behaviors.
As an outward sign of Biden's faithfulness to Satan's idolatry, he filled government positions with deluded perverts. To ensure that Satan's collaborators remain unchallenged, the Biden administration coordinated with outside groups to label opposition voices as disinformation and aggressively silenced them. With the justice system under the same influence, the Biden administration attacks and persecutes with gusto its political enemies and unyielding citizens, including Christians, who won't bow down to their dangerous idolatry. The continued unequal application of the law to further Satan's agenda without much resistance is a direct result of the effectiveness of the Biden administration's coordinated messaging with other Satan disciples. It is further aided by the failure of Congress and the Judicial Branch to uphold their constitutional duties, either because they desire identical results as Biden's satanic followers or they are afraid of retribution if they resist. As a consequence, the Biden administration has been emboldened to continue its persecution and expand its surveillance system against Americans it dislikes.
Ever wonder how the conspiracy to destroy the United States has proceeded generation after generation? What drives people who will never participate in any meaningful way in the supposed prize to keep pushing it forward? And it always marched forward through the institutions, through the churches, through the government. It has been guided by an intelligence. That intelligence is Lucifer, whose pride can not let him submit to his Creator. Indeed he wants to destroy God's most beloved creation. He has most of the world, and now he has most of us.

But it may not be too late.  God only allows the Devil to go so far, to bring us back to Him.  Tomorrow is Easter....


  1. It seems to me that it is getting more and more like, it is what it is, and nothing seems to be able to change it for the better or even slow it down.
    It is NOT supposed to be this way, however it is.

  2. Heltau, I know it must seem to be so. But God promises that even the Evil One can go just so far, for he is under His control. Read the book of Job. Do not give up hope, for our hope is in Christ. Keep the faith for our faith is in Christ. And it wouldn't be me if I didn't add to keep your powder dry.

