Sunday, April 2, 2023

Naming The Enemy

 Anthony J. DiBlasi, at the American Thinker asks Why Are Traditional Christians Under Attack?DiBlasi further defines his question:

The assault on traditional Christians by the pope, of all leaders, and lately by the FBI, of all agencies, calls for an honest explanation.
Why is the pope turning his back on his own Church? Why is the FBI violating the guaranteed right of Americans to religious freedom?
DiBlasi reveals much about himself from his early years in the Catholic Church in pre-Vatican II days through being an organist for several protestant congregations, to today, with so many people leaving the Church. He does this, I think, to set the stage for the real theme of this piece: answering why?

After explaining his journey he starts to explain the problems that plague the Church, and what they might mean:
As organist in a Protestant church, I witnessed changes to Christian doctrine that were clearly at variance with the Gospel and with my earlier experiences with Protestant worship. (I will keep a long story short.)
It began with guest speakers coming to announce that changes were coming to the church and it was necessary for the congregation to be prepared for it. Soon hymnals were purged of pronouns referring to God the Father and His Son Jesus Christ. Talk on “social justice” sounded more like it came from Marxist “liberation theology” than from the Gospel. Masculinity was smeared with toxicity in church literature. Feminist and Marxist principles had obviously found their way into the service.
In the basement where Sunday school was held and where the choir assembled before the service began, I could overhear the children being told that Jesus was an especially nice person, “like you and me,” with not a word about his divinity or relationship to God.
Such “improvements” to Christian doctrine were for me red-flag alerts that Christians were being turned away from their faith and in time away from their best interests. This fed my resolve to join a brewing culture war.
The introduction of Marxist ideas to Christian worship values tracks with Bella Dodd's claim to have placed 1000 men in seminaries during her carrier as a Communist organizer. The claim comes in Paul Kangor's book The Devil and Bella Dodd. DiBlasi, like so many others alludes to the source of the problem, without directly naming him:
Is it because Thou shall have no other gods before me [Exodus 20:1-3] is a commandment that requires loyalty to a higher authority than all others? Is that an existential threat to the power of today’s Herods, currently identifying as Masters of the Universe? Are the attacks against the faithful driven by fear that “the Great Reset” might become “the Great Reject?” Is Christianity so great an obstacle to “world progress” that it was necessary to “update it,” “improve it,” make it ready to support, not impede, the establishment of a Godless world order?
Sanity of mind and heart instructs that there is no better type of world order than one based on loving care of human life. This is a given of Christian doctrine. It is why Jesus Christ established a Church for the spiritual nourishment of people, informing all that “I am the way, the truth, and the life” [John 14:6]. This divine heritage will never be surrendered by faithful Christians.
And so we come to it. The source of our problems, as always, is that people are all to willing to follow not Jesus, the Son of God, through whom all things were made that were made, but Lucifer, the fallen angel whose pride would not allow him to do God's will. Of course, Lucifer has been our problem since he first convinced our first parents that they too could be as gods. He is still convincing people that they can be as gods. Gods can change their genders, we can not. Gods can change the climate, we can not.

Marx was notorious for being a prideful atheist convinced that he could change human nature, that he was smarter than all those who came before. In Marx, the Devil found the perfect disciple to turn millions against Christ.

Faithful Christians need to stand fast against the onslaught. We must pray for our enemies, of course, but the Devil and all his works remain our enemies. Those people who follow the Devil also remain our enemies, sad to say.  But who knows, there may be a few Bella Dodds still out there.

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