Sunday, August 20, 2023

Another Branch of the Deep State Needs Cleaning Up

 Olivia Murray over at the American Thinker has a post reporting that ATF's director says the quiet part out loud and refers to inalienable rights as a 'priviledge'. Apparently the Biden administration has decided that if the Supreme Court wants to reinforce the 2nd Amendment rights under the Constitution, they will simply ensure that there are no gun dealers form whom to buy. At some point, the Court will have to deal with the right of dealers to engage in lawful commerce. Really, this is just more lawfare.

According to the Western Journal the ATF has been shutting down FFL dealers at alarming numbers over the last several years. When will the one near you be shut down, and for what minor infraction.

Now aside from the fact that the ATF has absolutely no right to exist, I know enough about the bureau to know they have one of the worst reputations out of the more than 438 federal agencies, so it’s reasonable to assume at least some of the “compliance” investigations weren’t “lawful” — as loosely as you can use that term for an agency that’s unlawfully operating. Just because the ATF calls their unreasonable searches and seizures a “request” or a compliance “inspection” doesn’t make it so; I can only wonder if 122 firearms dealers last year told federal agents to take a hike until they came back with a warrant?
According to the Western Journal article, Joe Biden’s ATF Director Steve Dettelbach said of the business owners with revoked licenses, “They’re not going to have the privilege of being a gun dealer anymore.”
Someone needs to remind Dettelbach, and every other aspiring despot in Biden’s regime, that rights come from God, not government — the Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791, was written to affirm this reality, and this government, this brilliant and extraordinary new government conceived in liberty and born out of a rebellion to tyrants, would guarantee that it was not a benevolent authority doling out “privileges” at it saw fit, but rather a safeguard for inalienable rights that came from a moral Authority; nothing more, and nothing less.
The ATF is supposed to enforce the Congressionally written laws governing alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives fairly. They are not supposed to inject their own personal agenda into their enforcement. And speaking of agendas, no matter who the President is, the ATF has had an anti-gun agenda. But keep in mind that guns are just tools, objects that have no evil spirit of their own. Therefore, there can only be one reason for the huge effort to deny Americans their Second Amendment rights...

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