Monday, August 21, 2023

Here's a wild idea: Teach each and every child proper English

 I found this profoundly disturbing.  What is the purpose of educating children if we are not going to educate them, but rather affirm that their ignorance is correct?  We should save the taxpayer money and just fire the teachers.  After all, what of value do they teach?  Let's be clear here: thousands of generations of children have picked up sex on their own, no special training necessary.  As for the rest of the woke agenda, we got along fine without it before.  So just fire the teachers.

Olivia Murray has a post at the American Thinker today entitled Teaching proper English to black children is 'white racial superiority' for California 'educators' . It should be seen rather as doing these children a favor. My grandmother grew up and lived her entire life in a rural farming community where   certain idiomatic eccentricities were prevalent. But my mother displayed none of these because teachers taught her the right way to speak.  Will children be resentful now?  They may be.  But they will be appreciative later when they realize what a great gift was given to them.  And their children will not have any resentment, since they will grow up hearing proper English.

What happens when there’s a spelling test, and “ask” appears? If only certain colored children (white) were taught the proper pronunciation, that means only certain colored children (white) will be able to sound it out and spell it correctly — talk about a disadvantage, manufactured no less, and only possible when you have leftists doing the “thinking.”
What Ms. Drake is suggesting, would actually yield a wildly bigoted result; she’s advocating we take the first step towards illiteracy, but only for those in the black community. How’s that for irony? In a roundabout way, she argues that withholding a legitimate education (that’s what objective English instruction is, after all) from black children is the good and moral thing to do. For someone who would undoubtedly claim that slavery is the worst evil to ever exist, what does she think of wholesale illiteracy? Is that not slavery?
There’s this wild concept, one these teachers probably haven’t ever considered, but it’s pretty simple: just treat every child equally. We live in an English-speaking nation, so if you’re an educator, maybe just teach proper English to each and every child, regardless of their skin color or how they speak. A good English education should not be exclusive to white students, but rather available to all students. A child’s future is infinitely brighter when they understand the native language and can speak it well.

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