Saturday, August 26, 2023

Gun Grabbers Gonna Do What Gun Gabbers Do

The "news" that They're coming for your guns is not news to gentle readers of this blog. I have constantly warned you that the real goal behind such innocuous sounding phrases as "common sense gun laws" was eventual confiscation. I have warned you that the ATF and many in Congress want to create a database of gun owners and the weapons they have in order to confiscate those weapons.

In their wet dreams, Leftist gun grabbers dream of the police going door to door and shooting the residents and them confiscating their weapons. Still, it is good to see that Brad A. Girton had piece at the American Thinker yesterday that provided that warning to a larger audience. Even if a person is not themselves a gun owner, he should understand that the Second Amendment indirectly supports all his other rights. For without the implicit threat of the Second Amendment, his, and your, rights would have been gone long ago.

Leftist politicians rarely tell the truth. Their policies and ideals are so bad that they can't, and they know it, thus the nonstop hyperbole, grandstanding, and projection. It's infuriating that so many Americans either are unable to see this, thanks in part to a complicit MSM, or so blinded by their ideology that they choose to ignore the fact that they get endlessly played by those they keep electing.
As with any good totalitarian leftist regime, gun confiscation is at the top of the leftist wish list. It's much easier to institute control and compliance over an unarmed citizenry than it is an armed one. They may deny it, but deep down, this is what they want. All you have to do is watch and listen to them.
You hear them use code words like "military-grade weapons" and "red flag laws." Even our leftist administrative state is getting in on the action, as the ATF is now targeting gun dealers by denying more and more of their business licenses. It probably won't be long until this administration starts mandating that banks curtail any financial dealings with gun manufacturers and dealers, just as it has with the fossil fuel industry. House bills are already written to pin blame on gun manufacturers for gun-related crimes. Once instituted, there is no way those business can survive the legal onslaught that would come their way. Leftists may not be able to repeal the 2nd Amendment, yet, but they can sure regulate their way around it.
Leftists rarely tell the truth, except when the threaten you.  Noting St. Louis mayor Jones recent rant on guns:
This leftist playbook was recently revealed by progressive St. Louis mayor Tishaura Jones. Under her leadership, the city recently passed Bill 29, which repealed the city's open carry law, but that wasn't enough for her. Now she's proposing more "commonsense gun legislation," including but not limited to red flag laws, background checks, banning "military-grade" weapons, and prohibiting insurrectionists and those convicted of hate crimes from owning guns.
While I find red flag laws deeply concerning, as they blatantly infringe upon an individual's right to bear arms simply via another's accusation, the last two in the list really set the alarm bells off. Of course, Mayor Jones didn't specifically say what constitutes a "military-grade weapon," and I'm not going to put words into her mouth, but any time the government looks to limit something, it's only getting started. Military-grade weapons, or "weapons of war," is an extremely vague term that can mean whatever the government wants it to mean, which is exactly how the government wants it. All these people need to do is to open that door and stick their foot in it, and then, over time they'll be able to step right through.
This brings me to Jones's most disturbing statement: "prohibiting insurrectionists and those convicted of hate crimes" from owning guns. We've already seen how loose our federal government is when it comes to labeling citizens as "insurrectionists." Would local leftist leaders be at all different? Of course not.
In fact, let's take this a step farther. With our federal Justice Department labeling concerned parents voicing opinions at school board meetings as "domestic terrorists," what would stop local authorities from targeting them as well? Or the fact that certain crimes against certain "oppressed" or "victim" groups, as determined by the administrative state, constitutes forgoing your 2nd Amendment rights, too? This is nothing but blatant political weaponization against "enemies" in the guise of "commonsense" gun laws, with the government picking and choosing the winners and losers. In the 17th century, they were called "witch hunts."

These are clear threats, issued by a mayor of a big city against people who have not committed any crime, but to defend themselves and their families against the gangsters, racketeers, drug dealers, human traffickers and other trash who are Mayor Jones preferred constituents. Let that sink in. The preferred constituents of the Democrat party are now no longer the hard working men and women, but the people stealing from the hard working men and women. And they do not want you to be able to defend yourself against these people.

Meanwhile, John Lott has a piece over at The Federalist asking Do Gun-Control Groups Care What Casuses Mass Shootings? Everytown Lawsuit Says No. In the case of the Buffaloe mass shooter, the evidence is staring them in the face, but they ignore it to go after the seller of the gun the mass shooter used. Once again we see gun-grabbers using the intramental theory of crime, when the real answer is the evil intent of the criminal.

The Biden administration has already put nearly 2,000 gun sellers out of business in just two years. Just a few years ago, a lawsuit helped drive the 200-year-old Remington Arms into bankruptcy. But activists won’t stop suing gun shops and anyone else that comes close to the industry.
Last week, attorneys from Everytown Law, the legal arm of Michael Bloomberg’s gun-control group Everytown for Gun Safety, filed a lawsuit against a shop that sold the gun used in the fatal shooting of 10 people at a grocery store in Buffalo, New York, in May 2022. The murderer is a racist who specifically targeted racial minorities. Everytown claims the attack “could have been prevented,” but in fact, the gun seller performed all of the proper background checks.
Others are also being sued, including the 18-year-old murderer’s parents and social media companies that allegedly “transformed and addicted” the murderer by allowing extremist content on their sites.
But the lessons from this shooting, like many other mass public shootings, are hiding in plain sight. One needs only to read the killer’s manifesto.
“Areas where CCW [carrying a concealed weapon] are outlawed or prohibited may be good areas of attack,” wrote the shooter. “Areas with strict gun laws are also great places of attack.”
But Everytown ignores those quotes. Nor does the organization mention that the Buffalo mass murderer self-identified as an “eco-fascist national socialist” and a member of the “mild-moderate authoritarian left.” The shooter expressed concern that minority immigrants have too many children and will damage the environment. “The invaders are the ones overpopulating the world,” he wrote. “Kill the invaders, kill the overpopulation and by doing so save the environment.”

First of all, doing everything correctly according to government mandates is supposed to be a defense against lawsuits. The fact that the suit was not immediately dismissed shows bias on the part of the judge. But just as a car dealer is not responsible for a drunk driver driving drunk in a car they have sold and killing someone, a gun dealer is not responsible for someone misusing a gun they have sold. But this logic is lost on Everytown because their true goal is to confiscate guns. Of course, they jump on a heinous crime to promote their agenda, but it is the agenda that they are advancing. That cause is gun confiscation.

Unfortunately, lawsuits, such as this one by interest groups like Everytown, are more interested in punishing people they oppose or causing others to change their behavior in desired ways than seeking the truth. With billionaire Michael Bloomberg’s deep pockets, Everytown does not worry about funding its lawsuits. The same can’t be said for their targets, such as a small gun store. Social media companies aren’t going to be bankrupted by the lawsuits, but they may be even more likely to censor material that gun-control groups such as Everytown dislike.
The killer wasn’t born an eco-fascist. For the sake of our society’s health and safety, we should be thinking twice before engaging in hyperbolic alarmism that can work impressionable young people into a frenzy, though lawsuits when we disagree with people isn’t the obvious answer. And when someone does go crazy, people need to be able to defend themselves. It’s either that or we could give in to gun-control activists by giving shooters more “great places of attack.”

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