Thursday, August 3, 2023

Elites Are Coming For You

 It is hard to fathom the enthusiasm for Marxism/Communism/Socialism/Fascism/collectivism by so many in the West.  We have seen through historical examples that such governance never delivers on the promise of a Utopia.  Instead, they always deliver death, destruction, famine, misery and horror to the average citizen while delivering riches to the ruthless few at the top.  One can understand why government leaders may embrace such a system, but don't the academics and journalists know they will be the first thrown against the wall come the revolution?  The CEOs of large corporations could be useful for a while, but even they must eventually bend to the totalitarian monsters or suffer execution.  Indeed, why not just take the property of the CEOs and share holders for not paying their "fair share."

In his article at the American Thinker, entitled "Elites" cannot hide from the consequences of their actions J.B. Shurk uses the term "elistist" and "elitism" as a catch all phrase for all of these political philosophies because, in the end, they all end in one thing; totalitarianism, with the dictator being the most ruthless of the ruthless. As such, they are no different that feudal lords and monarchs. All promise things to the people that they can not, and never intend to provide, in order to take away the individuals' God given rights.

In Shurk's accounting, though, eventually the bill for all this comes due. Perhaps, but a lot of totalitarians die of natural causes while in office. Just sayin'.  Indeed, that George Washington gave up power after two terms greatly surprised the European royals.

In classical Greek mythology, hubris is a fatal flaw that inevitably leads to tragedy. No matter how admired the hero, any mortal who dares to behave like a god is punished in the end. Mankind never seems to learn this lesson.
The "elites" of every generation delude themselves into believing that they are superhuman and inherently different from those they consider beneath them. They are not. Whatever afflicts ordinary people will eventually come for those who build extravagant sanctuaries intended to rival Mount Olympus.
No "elite" ideology has caused as much suffering as communism for a simple reason: it is a false doctrine that feeds on hubris. "Communism begins where atheism begins," Marx wrote. It permits "elites" to deify themselves. Because of that delusion, it remains a "spectre" that still "haunts" the world.
The "spectre of communism" haunting the world today comes in the form of the World Economic Forum's "Great Reset" or the United Nations' planned technocratic tyranny. It exists wherever one group of "experts" believes it has the moral prerogative to tell everyone else how to live and what to do. Vladimir Lenin argued both that "medicine is the keystone of the arch of socialism" and that the "establishment of a central bank is ninety percent of communizing a nation." Together, central banks and global health authorities are the gateway drugs for communism.
The party will take care of all your needs. The World Health Organization will decide whether you can leave your homes. The climate scientists will tell you how much food you may eat and how much fuel you may use to stay warm. In every iteration of Marxist hubris, the promise is framed a little differently. However it is formulated, it always brings tragedy.
Marxist socialism, communism, planned sustainability, new world order, global government — whatever it is called, it remains "rule by the elite." Any system that refuses to protect individual freedoms and empowers a small coalition of authorities to control everyone else should simply be called "elitism." The distinction between political parties becomes meaningless when "elites" learn, as Lenin did, that the "best way to control the opposition is to lead it." Forget Republicans versus Democrats. The real contest is between regular people and the privilege-hoarding "elites" who maintain a stranglehold over government.
Shurk believes that eventually the serfs. the peasants, the great unwashed awakens and over throws the elites. Again, I am not so sure. It is wise to prevent the domination of the elites in the first place than to try to get rid of them once they become entrenched. We are definitely on the verge, and impeaching Biden won't really doesn't bring back Constitutional governance. Kamala Harris, for all we mock her, is just another "elitist" and will continue to try stealing our rights, our religion, and working toward the Great Reset. Indeed, in her ineptitude she may go further.

Meanwhile, Eileen F. Toplansky has a book report discussing Martin Amis's book Koba the Dead: Laughter and the 20 Million, about the atrocities of Joseph Stalin. Toplansky's article can be found at the American Thinker entitled Communist Tactics and Martin Amis's Blindness. Amis describes himself as a leftist's leftist. Yet he has detailed the horrors and monstrousity of the Stalinist regime.

Let’s begin with attacks on religion.
In 1921 Lenin instructed a Red Army Commission to “give the most decisive and merciless battle to the [clergy] and subdue its resistance [.]” (Amis 29).
Fast forward and repeatedly the Biden administration has nominated individuals to the highest levels of government who exhibit disdain for those they are charged to serve. Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra “displays not just an unwillingness to protect the rights of conscience but an overt antagonism toward people of faith.” In addition, “Virginia Attorney General Jason Miyares and 19 GOP state attorneys general are demanding answers from the FBI and Justice Department and threatening legal action after a leaked internal FBI memo revealed that the agency had efforts underway to identify and treat Catholics as "potential terrorists."
It was Lenin who asserted that “every religious idea, every idea of God . . . is unutterable vileness . . . of the most dangerous kind, ‘contagion’ of the most abominable kind” (Amis 30).
Supposedly, Mr. Biden is a devout Catholic, for whom taking the Eucharist is important. Yet he has worked to destroy the Christian Church, even attempting to infiltrate the Catholic Church with FBI agents. But then there is starvation, which the Left is definitely attempting to bring about:
Another spoke in the Communist wheel of evil is starvation. In fact, “famine belongs to the Communist tetrarchy – the other three elements being terror, slavery and, of course, failure, monotonous and incorrigible failure” (Amis 30).
So, our arch rival China continues to buy up American farmland and the White House looks the other way.
Moreover, as a consequence of COVID shutdowns and supply chain challenges, farmers are being told to destroy their harvests while substandard imports from other countries are being brought to America. Consequently, the federal government is continuing to gain greater control over the food, water and land production in this country.

Toplansky goes on to show numerous examples of things that the Biden administration is doing that if left unchecked lead to the atrocities that Stalin committed. Yes, it can happen here. People are people all over the world. The only thing different about us, indeed exceptional about us is the Constitution of the United States. But if the "elites" decide not to follow it, and they are showing that they intend to do just that, we really have no protection. But then, neither do they.

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