Monday, August 14, 2023

The Parallels Between 1930s Spain and America Now

 Evita Duffy-Alfonso has a message for our Leftist kleptocratic elites in an article at The Federalist entitled What My Family's Bloody History In The Spanish Civil War Teaches About FBIs Assault On Catholics. Duffy-Alfonso notes that historically, authoritarian regimes feared, and therefore hated Christians. As a result, they spy on them, ban them in some cases, execute them in others. The FBI spying on Catholics is no surprise given the regime they serve is such an authoritarian regime.

Many Americans have never heard of the Spanish Civil War because it’s often ignored by the history books or overshadowed by World War II, but its history is important given the context of our government’s current demonization and targeting of Catholics.
On Wednesday, House Republicans revealed that FBI Director Christopher Wray lied when he testified that only one field office was involved in a memo labeling traditional Catholics as potential domestic terrorists. Subpoenaed documents, which the FBI attempted to withhold from Congress, revealed that multiple FBI field offices were involved in drafting the memo.
Moreover, the FBI lied when it stated after a whistleblower exposed the memo that the bureau “will never conduct investigative activities or open an investigation based solely on First Amendment protected activity.” The GOP-released documents show in detail that the FBI has already infiltrated Catholic communities with various informants to create the infamous memo.

Duffy-Alfonso then delivers a brief history of the Spanish government's slow buildup of persecutions of Christians, principally Catholics and non-communists, the wealthy, and anyone that opposed the leftist government.  Like all Leftists, murder is one of the tools they use to control the public.

In the run-up to the civil war, the Republicans began their campaign of religious persecution with simple anti-religious policies, such as the banning of all religious schools and removing crucifixes from classrooms. Then they deemed all religious marriages invalid in the eyes of the state.
Anti-church propaganda eventually escalated from smear campaigns to the burning of churches and mass executions of Catholic religious and laypeople by the end of the war. Properties were seized and stolen, and conservatives were convicted of crimes in kangaroo court rulings, leading to unjust executions.

The good news is that the author's great grand parents survived the Spanish Civil War. But they were separated for much of it. And they suffered greatly. But they found each other after the "late unpleasantness." God was obviously looking out for them. Alfonso-Duffy warns us about the parallels between the Spanish leftist persecution of Catholics and the American leftists current persecution.

By the end of the war, a reported “13 bishops, 4,172 priests, 2,364 monks and friars and 283 nuns and sisters,” and an unknown number of lay people were killed.
We cannot be apathetic toward the FBI’s targeting of Catholics, nor can we fail to speak out against the cultural demonization of Christians, whether that be at Dodgers games or on the lips of Vice President Kamala Harris.
Surveillance techniques once reserved for foreign terrorists are being used on faithful Catholics, not because the FBI truly believes Christians are racist, but because the FBI is threatened by Catholic theology, just like the communists in Spain.
To be clear, all Christians pose a threat to irreligious, authoritarian governments. Catholics, however, with their centuries-old hierarchy, traditions, and unchanging stances on things like abortion, birth control, and marriage, have been uniquely positioned to oppose Marxism and therefore uniquely targeted throughout history.

If we don't stop them, things will not end well.

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