Tuesday, August 1, 2023

A Vegan Dies Of Starvation

 I have two pieces today to highlight, both from the American Thinker. Let me get to the first today, which is just as important because so many are sucked into the idiocy.  But it seems less important to your humble correspondent because he is eats mostly from a menu of beef, butter, bacon and eggs. Of course, the beef part means eating all meats especially including fats and collagen, though mostly beef. Butter includes lard, tallow, and coconut oil. Bacon and eggs speak for themselves. Last night I had chicken livers fried in lard with onions, also fried in lard.

You should note that the vegan in question didn't die of starvation because of a lack of food. That is the typical scenario. No, she probably ate nearly continuously, her body trying to get the nutrition it needed. But on her diet, it wasn't going to find what it needed, and so she wasted away.

So, the piece, by Monica Showalter is entitled Militant vegan 'influencer' dies of starvation. The vegan in question was even stricter that normal vegans, to the point of only eating certain fruits. These types are known as fruitarians. I should be clear though that most fruits do not contain anything like complete proteins, much less the other nutritional requirements to keep body and soul together. While it is possible to take certain supplements to obtain these other nutrients, the fact is that they are of doubtful value. And even if one is eating a vegetarian diet that includes eggs and dairy products, there still might be some things lacking, for plants really are trying to kill you.

I, of course, find no pleasure from reading of this person's death. But I am disgusted that she had a following as large as she did. If one wants to believe that such a lifestyle will advance some principle, well have at it. But stop virtue signalling. Stop the "Look at me" stuff and get on living a real life.

Please go and read Showalter's piece. If you choose vegetarianism, please do so mindfully and understand that it does, as Showalter points out, take a lot of work. If you have other things to do, beef, butter, bacon and eggs provide you with the nutrition you need to go about those things with energy and power.

Update: See Andrea Widburg's post entitled An Influencer's Death Foreshadows the Left's War on Food. Widburg gets a little more graphic with Samsonova's slow death from malnutrition. But the more important thing is that our kleptocratic elites intend to starve us the same way. Not only will we eat a vegan diet, but we won't be able to cook it because we will have no stoves.  As Widburg points out, cooking is necessary to make many plants somewhat edible.  One wonders who they will lord it over when the country is denuded of people?

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