Thursday, October 17, 2024

A Pox on Both Their Houses

 Today is the first day of voting in North Carolina in the 2024 voting season.  Democrats of course are expected to set records for first day voting, if other states are any example.  For myself, I cannot wait for the voting season to be over.  This has been the nastiest, most lie filled election at all levels in my lifetime.  I am thoroughly disgusted with it.  Most of the lies, of course, come from the Democrats, though there are some from Republicans as well.  I will vote, of course, but a pox on both their houses. 

I am especially disgusted with the Democrat obsession with abortion.  Here in Raleigh, we get television ads for many district races as well as statewide races because WRAL covers a huge area.  We get ads for races from the coast to as far as the Greenborough area.  In every case, the Democrat candidate has touted their support for essentially unlimited abortion, while castigating their Republican opponent as taking away a woman's "right" to choose.

I have to ask, do these people who support abortion not hear themselves?  Do they not realize that a  "woman's right to choose abortion" is actually legalizing a woman's ability to murder her unborn child?  Do they not hear what they are saying, do not realize the horror of what they are proposing?  In ancient times, people threw their first born sons and daughters into the firey belly of Molock as a sacrifice to the anciet gods.  This is usually referred to as "passing through the fire."  But such language doesn't cover the horror of such behavior, as the child would scream as it burn up.  The LORD God punished Israel for that as well as other offences against Him.  And we are doing the same thing.

Democrats claim that their Republican opponents would disallow all abortions.  While that would be the ideal, just as divorce is allowed because of the hardness of our hearts, no states are going to absolutely oulaw all abortions.  There will be exceptions for rape, incest, and the health of the mother.  While some Republicans may talk about the ideal, the facts are that they will not be able to get the votes for it.  So, in the end, the Democrats are just trying to scare their voters.  Is that what we want as voters, or do we want them to represent us?

Another big lie is that the Republicans, particularly Trump, will implement the horrible, no good, abominable Project 2025.  This has been thoroughly debunked, and I don't see many candidates advertising about it, but some outside groups do.  First of all, Project 2025 is a production of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.  I don't think any conservative, however, agrees with all of the wish list contained in the 920 page document.  Again, even if Trump were attempting to put some of these proposals, he wouldn't have the votes in Congress.  Let us remember that the use of executive orders can not be used to implement laws, nor can executive agencies interpret the law to favor administrative priorities.

I hope future elections can focus more on the issues and less on tearing each other down.

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