Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Anti-Gunners Surprised Criminals Break Laws

 One has to wonder what kind of people believe that by making a law, they will stop criminals from being...well, you know...criminals.  It reminds me of those public service ads that used to show up on the television when I was young telling people lock their cars because they didn't want a good boy to go bad.  But of course, a good boy wouldn't be tempted to steal a car even if the keys were in it.

Yet, it seems that The Trace wants us to believe that criminality is because some states have something like Constitutional laws. The report comes from by Tom Knighton entitled Anti=Gun Organization Shocked To Learn That Criminals Break Laws

Being a criminal isn't a very difficult field to get into. You just have to break the law.
Sure, being good at being a criminal is a different matter--most suck at it, really--but it doesn't take a whole lot to be a criminal. Yet despite this simple tautology, some people are absolutely shocked to learn that criminals don't obey the law. They even write about it like it's news.
The latest example of this phenomenon is from the anti-gun "journalist" organization The Trace.

Please go and read the article at The Trace to find out the details. To make a long story a bit shorter, one Dylan Russell bought a number of guns over a two year period, which he was allowed to do because he had no convictions. Unfortunately, Russell wasn't entirely truthful, as he was using heroin at the time. Indeed, Russell bought the guns and them traded them for heroin. So he broke several laws as you may not purchase a gun while using illgal drugs, and you certainly may not buy a gun for another party.

In January 2024, Russell was charged in U.S. District Court in Burlington for his role as a straw purchaser in what prosecutors allege was a drugs-for-guns operation orchestrated by gang members based in cities including Springfield, Massachusetts, and Hartford, Connecticut. Russell, who has pleaded guilty in the case and is set to be sentenced in November, bought guns on behalf of drug traffickers; he got drugs from them in return.

Here's the question though, exactly what law would have prevented Russell from committing these crimes while still allowing honest citizens to purchase guns for self defense and other legal purposes? Perhaps making the use of illegal drugs more illegaler?

So what laws would have stopped Russell that wouldn't have infringed on the rights of ordinary, law-abiding citizens?
Of course, the answer is that there are no such laws. They don't care about you and me and our ability to exercise our right to keep and bear arms. People like Russell aren't even the problem for them. The problem is us. We don't want to give up our guns, so they try to use the people like Russell to justify their need for more and more laws, none of which would do a blasted thing to stop people putting guns in criminal hands.

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