Tuesday, October 8, 2024

The Democrats Hate You and Me

 Vince Conyer has a well written article today at the American Thinker entitled Recent Events Force Us To See The Reality of Today's Democrats. In point of fact, the party, which is led by the pooh-bahs in Washington, aren't just indifferent to you, they actively hate you. Of course, they hate conservatives and Christians, who don't toe their line. But they also hate Democrat voters like the longshoremen or the auto workers, the steel workers, the truckers...you know, the working men and women who keep this country running. Conyer employs an odd scene from the movie The Sixth Sense.

One of the most stunning moments I ever had watching a movie was during The Sixth Sense (spoiler alert) in the scene when the ring crashes to the floor and we suddenly realize that Bruce Willis’s character is dead. I was simply dumbfounded. It immediately made sense, but I couldn’t believe that I’d not recognized it the whole time. The movie flashes back over the different scenes from Willis’s newly revealed perspective, and it was as if I’d just watched a different movie than the one I’d actually seen. Seen through Willis’s eyes, everything was clearly there, but I simply hadn’t seen it. The signs were there, but I just didn’t recognize them…
That movie came back to me this week when a piece of news emerged about FEMA that was every bit as crystalizing as that ring crashing to the floor and rolling: The Democrats hate Americans.
As millions of Americans picked themselves up and surveyed the extraordinary damage wrought by Hurricane Helene, they discovered, to their horror, that the Federal Emergency Management Agency, an agency specifically set up to help American citizens and communities recover from natural disasters exactly like Helene, was almost out of money.
And it wasn’t because the agency wasn’t given any money. No, FEMA didn’t have any money to help Americans who had lost everything, were waiting to be rescued, or were hungry and thirsty because, through fancy bookkeeping, the Biden / Harris administration spent $1 billion in the last two years providing housing and other services to illegal aliens. Literally, a program specifically created to help Americans recover from disasters was drained almost dry, leaving it with few resources to help Americans recover from disasters because it had spent all the taxpayer dollars sent its way on services for people who had come into the country illegally.

I realize that I am preaching to the choir here, for I doubt anyone who is of a leftist or woke mindset reads this blog. My hope is that you, gentle readers, will take away some facts to use to perhaps open a Democrat's eyes, rather like Bruce Willis in The Sixth Sense. The hope is that they will see that voting Democrat is voting for their own destruction. Harris intends to impoverish us with her tax on unrealized capital gains, which includes houses. If the price of you house has gone up, you may have to sell it to pay the tax on the unrealized capital gain.

One thing that you learn from reading the Bible is that the globalists always lose in the end. God eventually destroys their empires, but he often uses them to destroy first the ones who have fallen away from him, as he did when ancient Babylon carried the people of Judah into captivity. So, please read Conyer's article, but also pray that we repent in time from our sin. The Democrat agenda must be soundly defeated before it is too late.

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