Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Judge Tears Out Another Brick in the Wall That Is Election Fraud

 In order to be believed by all parties, elections must be honest.  But the Left and some on the Right have fought tooth and nail to keep the tactics that make our elections insecure and cause the losing side to cry foul.  Too many courts have failed in their duty to acknowledge the evidence of voter fraud brought to them.  Building election integrity has thus been slow, and I doubt that we can restore it in time for a vote to make a difference.  While the 2024 election is not likely to be our last, it is probably the last one before the Communists take over completely.  Still, miracles do happen.

Today at the American Thinker Jerome R. Corsi has an article explaining that one of the ways elections can be stolen has been cut off: How a Federal District Court Judge Weaponized Secret Algorithms to Stop Election Fraud Hidden in State Voter Rolls. Actually, while Corsi speaks of databases themselves, the actual problem is not the database per se, but the software used to manipulate the database.

On September 27, 2024, Federal District Court Judge Michael T. Liburdi rendered a decision in American Encore v. Adrian Fontes that weaponized algorithms surreptitiously embedded in various state boards of elections official voter registration database, turning them into a tool to block elections that bear the modus operandi of mail-in ballot election fraud from being certified.
In his decision, Judge Liburdi referenced a provision in the Elections Procedures Manual (EPM) that Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes, a Democrat, had issued. That provision required the Secretary of State to certify an election by excluding the votes of any county that refused to certify an election. Justice Liburdi quoted the EPM language that became known in Arizona as the “Canvass Provision.” The quoted EPM language, including the parenthetical remark included in the original EPM document, reads as follows:
"If the official canvass of any county has not been received by this deadline, the Secretary of State may proceed with the state canvass without including the votes of the missing county (i.e., the Secretary of State is not permitted to use an unofficial vote count in lieu of the county’s official canvass)."
Judge Liburdi characterized the rule as “probably unprecedented in the history of the United States” because it “gives the Secretary of State nearly carte blanche authority to disenfranchise the ballots of potentially millions of Americans.”
Judge Liburdi’s ruling is a bulwark against secret algorithms in the state voter databases that create a pool of hidden “non-existent voters.” Beyond just creating “non-existent voters,” the cryptographic algorithms assign legitimate state voter IDs to the “non-existent voters.” This last step enables the criminal perpetrators to vote these “non-existent voters” as apparently “legal” mail-in votes in what could be sufficient quantities to steal otherwise losing elections.

To get a better feel for exactly how these secret algorithms are used to create non-existent voters that nonetheless appear as legitimate voters, I suggest you go to God's Five Stones, a website created by Corsi to report the group's findings.

The Democrat (read Socialist and Communists) have several built in advantages in any election. One is a belief that government is their highest priority, therefore they have a strong get-out-the-vote organization everywhere. But their real advantage is their belief in "by any means necessary." Therefore there is little to no qualms about lying, cheating and other skullduggery to win an election. The only way to discourage such actions is to provide sufficient consequences to discourage them. But if the one encouraging such shenanagans is also the one who benefits from them and who enforces laws against them, consequences mean little. That is why it is important to have to competing parties always watching the other.

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