Friday, October 18, 2024

Stop Focusing on the Tools

 Here's another piece from Bearing Arms by Tom Knighton hammering home the fact that universal background checks will do nothing to stop criminals, nor for that matter to help stop crime. So, why do they want them so badly? Skip to the end to find out.

The article at Bearing Arms is entitled Texas Man Arrested for Stealing Guns From Homowner Who Hired Him.

I can't say that I don't understand stealing because I suppose there are situations where I can. If you're starving--literally starving, not just hungry--and you steal food, I won't approve but I'd get it.
Most people never reach that level of desperation, though.
Yet even if you are, one would imagine that the average person might think stealing from someone they're working for is a bad idea. However, most crooks aren't that bright.
Or, at least, this one wasn't.
"The Atascosa County Sheriff's Office apprehended David Alviso III, a Jourdanton resident, after finding 13 stolen guns, six vehicle titles and a computer that belonged to the homeowner, according to an Atascosa County Sheriff's Office Facebook post."
Deputies Tim Challes and Stephen Cook arrived at the Blackhill Community residence, which is roughly eight miles east of Pleasanton, after getting a call about a theft. When the two deputies got to the property the homeowner and Alviso were both at the home. The homeowner accused Alviso of stealing from him after watching surveillance footage, according to the release. Alviso had reportedly been hired to do work on the home.
The deputies followed footprints from the house into the woods where they found a bag with the stolen goods.
Yeah, this guy wasn't in serious contention to join Ocean's Eleven by any stretch of the imagination.
Yet think about what all it would have taken for him to get away with it. Without surveillance footage, it's unlikely Alviso would have been fingered so early. It's even possible that the homeowner wouldn't have known about the theft for some time. By then, the footprints might have been gone from wind, rain, or someone covering their tracks. Literally.
And this, boys and girls, is how criminals get guns.

Given that this is fundamentally true, that criminals get guns mostly by either stealing them, or buying from someone else who stole them, a universal background check will do nothing either to stop criminals from getting guns, or the help the police track down the perpetrators of crimes. So why does the Left so badly want universal background checks? Because they want to build a registry of who has what guns at any given time. Such a registry makes it easier to order the confiscation of weapons.

Given how slowly justice moves, they would hope to have either rounded up the guns, or put the refuseniks in jail, or just executed them before anyone could mount sufficient opposition. We have plenty of history from other countries to show this is true. National Review has a detailed report of How the Nazis Used Gun Control to first register, then disarm those suspected of being "politically unreliable" and Jews. Once defenseless, the Jews were exterminated to the tune of 6 million of them.

The Left has been attacking the American republic for now 170 years. Yes, the Left is the aggressor here, not the other way around.  The attack has been on all fronts and lately has accelerated. But they fear our guns, which may be the only thing keeping us from being overwhelmed. But in the end guns are just tools. Stop focusing on the tools and focus on the bad guys abusing the tools.

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