Thursday, October 10, 2024

The Mask Comes Off

I remember being accused by a leftist at work during the Obama administration of not liking Obama because he is black. I replied that I didn't care if he was green. I did not like him because he is a damn Communist. My accuser then feigned outrage and said "So, am I a Communist?" to which I replied "If the shoe fits..." He shut up, but that was when he became positively hostile. He has moved on so I no longer have to deal with him. Around that time, I had a great awakening to the fact that the Democrat party leadership, a great many Democrat voters, and perhaps some Republicans had become either Communist, or sympathizers of Communists.

Yesterday, James Simpson had an article at the American Thinker that outlined exactly how the Communists have marched through our institutions and attained the power necessary to now be poised to overthrow the Constitutional Republic and replace it with a Communist Tyranny. You can read it at Communists Out Of The Closet. Essentially, they have assiduously employed the Cloward-Piven strategy wherever they could.

Longtime AT readers will remember my viral 2008 article: Barack Obama and the Strategy of Manufactured Crisis. That article described the Cloward-Piven Crisis strategy that Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, two radical Columbia University professors, dreamed up. Their first target was the welfare system. They hoped that signing up every person eligible for every public service would overwhelm the system and cause its collapse. In the ashes, they would then suggest the solution: a guaranteed annual income for all Americans. (Note that such proposals have been added to Biden spending bills but were stripped out). They went on to target voting and were the authors of the National Voter Registration Act (i.e., Motor Voter). That law made voter roll maintenance much harder while making non-citizen voting much easier.
Since then, the Crisis strategy has expanded into virtually every area of our lives. Almost everything we are witnessing in our nation today is part of it. From tidal waves of illegal immigration (don’t call them “migrants,” which is leftist terminology; they are illegal aliens), the fentanyl crisis, suicides at record numbers (especially among the young and members of the military), to the war on energy, the war on morality and sexuality, the War on White America and the War on Black America (yes there is one of those too)—everywhere you turn the Left has put our nation at war with itself, with the ultimate goal of overwhelming it to the point that the entire society degenerates into chaos and civil war. That end goal will provide the pretext for the powers that be to declare martial law, seize our guns and take over by force if necessary.

In just those two paragraphs you will find most of the things plaguing our nation today. They have all been foisted upon us by design. Working from the shadows, each thing seems like a separate calamity overwheming normal Americans. You can read the rest of Simpson's article for yourselves. I also encourage you to buy his latest book: Manufactured Crisis: The War to End America of course in the kindle edition because we need to save our sheckles.

I want to explore the "why" of it. What drives people to become Marxist, especially those living comfortable lives in the United States, such that they want to burn it all down?

Of course, behind Marxian philosophy lies the devil, Lucifer, who Jesus said was a liar and a murderer from the start. He hates all humanity (as does the Left) and wants to see as many people in misery and debouchery as possible. The devil laughs when we do his will, because it hurts God. And his constant intelligence may explain why this philosophy constinues generation after generation despite its utter failure everywhere.

But beyond this explanation lies an old idea that what has been the way of doing business since time immemorial is exploitive of people. Today it is called capitalism. But capitalism is best understood as each party to a transaction is trading something they have for something they want. Where it gets exploitive is when the government interferes on one side and we then have what is often called "Crony Capitalism." In exchange for campaign contributions or other valuable consideration, polititions set taxes and other regulations to favor certain capitalist businessmen over others and over workers. But the Communists don't really care about the workers, they just use them as their army to batter down the existing system so they can take power themselves. It is really all about power.

Until the Obama administration, the United States has stood as a rebuke to all Communist regimes. Today, we are on the cusp of a Communist take-over of our Republic.

Be clear on this: we are witnessing an attempted Communist overthrow of our great nation. Vote and help get others out to vote as if your life depended on it because it does. If Christians had voted in greater numbers in 2020, we could have overwhelmed the steal. We will need more this time around because the Democrats are registering illegals and millions of non-Americans overseas!
Christians have no excuse not to vote and, when they do so, they must vote for Donald J. Trump. His election will give us four more years to begin the arduous process of rebuilding our nation—ravaged by the Left for over a century, as described in Manufactured Crisis: The War to End America.

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