Sunday, October 13, 2024

We Walk By Faith, and Not By Sight

 I have been fasinated by the Shroud of Turin for many years.  Now, I am not a relic seeker, and I do not base my faith on the existence of relics from 2000 years ago.  Even less do I adore these supposed relics.  Oh, it is interesting to visit the supposed tomb of Jesus, or the skull of St. Paul.  These are material remains which Jesus warns us not to focus on, but on heaven itself.  But when archeologists turn up evidence for events and people in the Bible, it is satisfying nonetheless.  On the other hand, it is no surprise that relics are not abundant, for God wants us to believe in HIM completely without proofs. Faith is the key. If you know because you have seen, where is room for faith? Did not Jesus say: Those who believe and are baptized shall be saved?

Kevin Mooney today at the American Thinker has an article entitled The Shroud of Turin - Can It Be Found in the Bible?. Having read all four Gospels, I can assure you that the burial cloth of Jesus is mentioned in the Bible. The real question is, is the Shroud of Turin the same as the burial cloth mentioned in the Gospels? We may never know for sure, but that is not for a lack of research on the Shroud. As Mooney notes, we can say with certainty that the Shroud is NOT a painting, nor a reenactment. But we cannot say what it IS. Do I believe it is the burial cloth is Jesus? Yes, yes I do. But that is faith, not objective science. In the end, everyone walks by faith, not by sight. The question for each of us is, in what are we going to put our faith? I know where I put mine, do you?

Please read the whole article, and consider getting Robert Orlando's book The Shroud: Face to Face. My backlog of reading material keeps growing it seems.

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