Saturday, December 16, 2023

"and put on your most festive Glock"

 Over at the American Thinker yesterday, Mike McDaniel tells us that Just in time for Christmas, terrorism is comin' to town. Now, I don't want to scare gentle readers, for we are always in God's hands, but this is rather to warn you that the devilcrats have allowed who knows how many people into our country who have evil intents. As you go through Christmas and the New Year, keep an eye out.

Just in time for Christmas, the FBI and Homeland Security are announcing a greatly elevated risk of “lone wolf” terrorism. Happy Holidays!
They’re a little late in contributing to the holiday spirit. Hapless FBI Director Christopher Wray has twice in the last month or so sheepishly told Congress with thousands, or tens of thousands of single, military-aged men from countries that want to kill every American, countries like China, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan and more, streaming across the totally secure border, we might have a kinda, sorta, terrorist problem, maybe. They’re even kinda, sorta admitting some of these guys might be members of the Chinese Army.
That’s tens of thousands they know about because they’ve chatted briefly with them before letting them go wherever they please by taxpayer-funded bus or jet, or they’ve seen them trotting across the border and kindly waved “bye-bye.” No one knows how many “got-aways” got away, likely as many more.
Our security establishment has gone so far as to say they’re watching some 300 undocumented persons on the Terrorist Watch List. What they’re not saying is why they allowed 300+ undocumented, TWL nabobs into the country in the first place so they would have to “watch” them. Job security? One doesn’t need to watch them so much if they’re not in the country, but that makes sense, so our security establishment doesn’t do that.

Keeping an eye on what happens across the pond, seemingly every week some nimrod Islamist jihadi goes off and stabs or shoots several Europeans. It is always a tradgedy, and of course, even though the miscreant was yelling "Allahu Akbar!" while doing it, no one in authority can quite figure out the motives. But though it is beyond our betters, we know. Oh, and how do they get those guns in gun controlled Europe? But we know that too.

Most likely are numerous attacks all across the country at churches, schools, shopping malls, theaters, sports events, anywhere Americans gather. Those attacks require only a few terrorists with small arms. Grenades and other explosives are icing on the terrorist cake. Imagine at least one such terrorist attack in every state occurring on the same day at the same time. That’s the very definition of terrorism: making people fear, making them realize the government can’t, won’t, protect them. Imagine that kind of terrorism occurring over and over again. Even a single terrorist armed with an AK—an actual automatic weapon, not a fictional “assault weapon”—can do enormous damage in little time.


One of life’s ironies is terrorists will be most likely to strike in blue cities and states, places doing their best to keep their citizens disarmed, places—and here’s deadly irony for you—most supportive of the Palestinian terrorist cause. Terrorists, domestic and foreign, prefer gun free zones, knowing they’ll have the best chance to do the most damage before the police can arrive. That doesn’t mean red states are safe, just that there’s a greater chance of armed Americans who can end an attack long before the police can respond. Foreign terrorists are certainly learning the patterns and practices of the police in their assigned target areas.

If you haven't figured it out yet, your "representatives" do not have your or your family's best interests at heart. You are on your own. Thus it makes prudent sense to take whatever precautions you can. As McDaniel puts it:

When out and about this Christmas season, bundle up, and put on your most festive Glock. You might need it.

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