Thursday, December 21, 2023

In times of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.

 Readers of Ayn Rand will recognize Jonathon Gault as a pseudonym from the book Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. But Gault has good reason to keep his name from publication. Writing anything critical if Islam can bring death threats and attacks down upon one's head.

Writing the truth about Islam is exactly what Gault has done at the American Thinker today in a piece entitled Fear Of Muslims Is Rational: "Islamaphobia" Is A Myth. When they hit us on the 11th of September 2001, I wondered what could be their beef with us. Suddenly, I wanted to study Islam. What I learned over time made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Nothing I have learned since has changed that. Whoever Mohamed was listening to in that cave, it was no messenger of Yahweh, our God. Allah, their god, is not the same person, and is indeed demonic. As Christians, we are commanded to pray for our enemies, so pray for those who are worshipping the devil in the form of Islam.

Merriam-Webster’s dictionary describes the word “phobia” as “an exaggerated, usually inexplicable and illogical fear of a particular object, class of objects, or situation.” In the wake of recent events, is fear of Muslims, labeled “Islamophobia,” really exaggerated, inexplicable, and/or illogical?
I’ve concluded that not only is fear of Muslims logical and explicable, but it is by no means exaggerated and, most probably, understated. The deliberately misleading term “Islamophobia” itself amounts to a cudgel used to silence critics of what Dutch Parliamentarian (and possible new Dutch Prime Minister) Geert Wilders has at times characterized as a totalitarian political ideology masquerading as a religion.

One of the tactics of Islam, especially when they are in the very minority in a new place, say less that 2%, is what they call "taqiyya" or lying to advance Islam. Yahweh never lies, Christ never lies, the Holy Spirit never lies, and we followers are not given permission to lie either. Yet Islam sanctions lies. What does that tell you? If you look at the symbolism of Islam, you will get another clue. The symbol is that of the Crecent moon. The moon, however, does not create light, it only reflects it. This is Allah, reflecting the True Light of the World. But there is more here, for if you look in a mirror, everything is reflected backwards. Again, this is Allah, reflecting backwards and upside down what is True and Right.

Gault goes through a litany of Muslim violence not only against Christians, but even against other Muslims. Here is another lie, that of the "Religion of Peace." There is no peace in Islam. And once you understand who Allah is, you understand that there can be no peace. Jesus describes him as the father of lies and a murderer from the start. So he is.

Facts show that Islam’s religio-political ideology and its adherents are anything but peaceful. Islam’s holy texts themselves incite violence, manifested against both non-believers and believers.
Islam’s teachings drive some Muslims to commit and condone evil. Muslims mutilate the genitalia of their subjugated women, whom they treat as children or second-class citizens. Family honor is tied to the sexual behavior of women, and honor killings often blame women, the victims, for being in situations they are unable to avoid or control.
Whenever women live under Muslim control, they exist in fear due to the primitive, dysfunctional “customs” enforced by a violent, patriarchal society that punishes differing opinions and free thought. Men, separated from women without the possibility for intimacy, turn to molesting young boys, a vile, hypocritical contradiction of their “faith”, which purports to prohibit homosexuality.

That groups that purport to stand up for women cannot bestir themselves to stand up for Muslim women tells us all we need to know. They accuse men of in our country calling it "toxic masculinity." But then what are Muslim men but "toxic." Yet not a word is spoken. Are they afraid, or in league with Allah?

Lt. Colonel Jeff Cooper, the father of modern handgun safety, advised: “Observe your cat. He moves well, using his senses fully. He is not preoccupied with irrelevancies. He’s not thinking about his job or his image or his income tax. He is putting first things first, principally his physical security. Do likewise.” This teaches us two things: (1) Be aware of your surroundings and take precautions to stay safe and, perhaps more importantly, (2) Don’t worry about your image..
Christ taught the world that “the truth will set you free.” We must re-embrace Judeo-Christian values and stop worrying about our “image” or having woke mobs rebuke us for speaking the truth they consider “politically incorrect.” This self-censorship erodes truth..
Cowards lie due to weakness. Psalm 34 tells us to “keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies.” Liars understand what awaits them at the gates of heaven..
Be courageous. Courage is needed in Joe Biden’s America, where nobody is punished for lying but only for telling the truth, which perpetuates deceit. We must flip the script and reacclimate society to truth, which will be difficult, especially for the “snowflakes.”.

Gentle readers are encouraged to read the whole essay and above all to start telling the truth. Be wise as serpents of course, and gentle as lambs, but tell the truth. Oh, and carry a big stick, preferably a .45 big stick. Whether George Orwell said it or not, the following remains true: In times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act. Maybe this is why Christ was executed, but his execution freed us.

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