Saturday, December 9, 2023

The New Gestapo

 I have been busy with holiday preparations, so have not been blogging as much.  By the way, the term "holiday" was originally "Holy day,"  and Christmas is a Holy day celebrating the birth of the Savior of the world, God incarnate, our Lord Jesus.  Between bell choir rehearsals, stuff around the house, and the perennial honey do list, I haven't had much time.  But I have a few minutes today, so here goes.

At the American Thinker today, Warren Beatty has an article today entitled Joe Biden Meets the Gestapo. I have been reading more pieces discussing the similarities of Biden's administration to fascist government style. It has become obvious to those of us who are conservative, Constitutionalist patriots. It has even penetrated to some in the MSM.

What Beatty does in his essay is to break down the ways in which the Department of (in)Justice (DOJ), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) have become Biden's secret police, taking action against anyone perceived to be critical of Biden's agenda. This is not how a Constitutional republic is supposed to act. The loyalty of all members of government should be to the Constitution, not to the head of one of the political parties.

The Gestapo’s power focused upon Hitler’s political opponents through lies, atrocities, and reprisals. It often made up facts against political opponents in order to achieve its objectives. Those political opponents included people deemed dangerous to Nazi policies and politics. They could arrest and imprison anyone and always assumed that their targets were guilty. Once arrested, people found it difficult to prove their innocence.
The Gestapo crushed opposition through actions, both legal and illegal, such as fear and intimidation. It operated without any civil or criminal restraints. Propaganda, which included censoring the media, kept the majority of the population in line.
Sound familiar?

Gentle readers can read how Merrick Garland has turn an already partisan DOJ and turned in into an enforcer of Biden and the Globalist's so-called "elite" agenda. The FBI has become the thug goon squad of the DOB, while the IRS takes selective action against conservatives and anybody else the Biden administration takes a dislike to. The goal is to intimidate us, shut us up, and steal our resources. What I wanted to spend some time on is the FBI infiltration of Traditional Latin Mass Catholics.

Sarah Arnold has an essay at entitled FBI Under Fire for Targeting Radical Traditionalist Catholic Ideology.

This week, during a U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO.) questioned FBI Director Christopher Wray after the FBI struggled to define its “Radical-Traditionalist Catholic Ideology” and “the far-right white nationalist movement.”
Earlier this year, the agency’s Richmond office issued a memo warning about the rising domestic threat posed by “radical” Catholics, claiming it “certainly presents new mitigation opportunities.” The memo suggested “trip wire or source development” within parishes that offer the Traditional Latin Mass and within online communities.


Ashley McGuire, a senior fellow with the Catholic Association and popular radio broadcaster, expressed disappointment in the FBI, telling the National Review that the “agency, designed to protect Americans and their rights, was spying on Catholics everywhere from their choir lofts to their rectories.”

One commenter noted that Traditional Latin Mass Catholics and (non-progressive) Lutherans were some of the least likely people to commit terrorist acts. The Latin Mass is prized by traditional people not because it is in Latin but because it represents the pre-Vatican II understandings of Church doctrine. Lutheran doctrines similarly are Biblical and thus do not adhere to the "woke" ideologies, which really hark back to the ancient pagan gods. Thus this is really a spiritual battle in which the devil has taken the control of the government to punish Christians.  We are sure where we are going when we die, and frankly torture and intimidation for Christ's sake is our joy.

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