Sunday, December 17, 2023

Knowing the Enemy

 Today is the third Sunday of Advent, so we had a special service including our annual Childrens program.  After the service, I was speaking with our vicar and we both agreed that the Israelis had the right to go after Hamas to prevent them from a similar attack to October 7.  I mentioned that in my study of Islam, I had determined that whoever Mohamad was listening to in that cave, it was not the messenger of our God.  The vicar stated flatly that Islam is positively demonic.  I said that at least the supporters of Hamas had let us know exactly who they are.  It is always good to know your enemy.

By way of knowing your enemies, at Shawn Carny has an article entitled For the Radical Left, It's 'Hark, Satan Sings'. Yahweh demands trust and loyalty. If you are not definitly with Him, you are against Him. So, once again we see who our enemies are.

The radical left used to chip away at the traditional family, religion, and the idea that unborn children are people, too. This Christmas, they've taken the gloves off. No longer hiding their pure contempt and disdain for family or religious traditions. This Christmas, they are actively embracing Satan.
For a blatant display of the ongoing war against the foundations of our society, look no further than the recent exhibit in a Wisconsin museum—a 'Hail Satan Christmas Tree.’ Rather than celebrating the Prince of Peace, this cultural battle cry hijacks a Christmas festival to glorify the prince of darkness and evil.
In neighboring Iowa, within the hallowed halls of the state Capitol, visitors are encountering a satanic altar erected by the Satanic Temple. That’s right! A display that represents dark and evil forces was enshrined in the halls of government of the Hawkeye State. While statues of our founding fathers are torn to the ground, statues of Satan himself are revered.
This Satanic display represents more than just an affront to Christian values; it is a calculated, deliberate attempt to normalize evil or make it cute and dare Christians to overreact to their goofy vulgarity.

I have read that people who are members of the Satanic Temple don't actually believe in Satan, they just want to poke Christians in the eye. I believe that male bovine excrament? Not really, no. But if that is true, these people are playing a really dangerous game. Believe he exists or not, Satan definitely believes in thees people. He uses them against our God. God cries when we abort a child, while Satan laughs. I don't know about you, but I don't like making God cry.

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