Saturday, December 16, 2023

Barbarism Is The Result

 Of the many issues that confront us today, one thing seems to be at the root of all the other problems, that of the acceptance of abortion in the United States.  David R. Carlin has an essay today at the American Thinker entitled Barbarism Ho! that makes exactly that point.

Decades ago, when abortion first began winning public approval in the USA, I worried that if abortion were to be generally approved, it would lead to further grim consequences. Abortion being what it is, namely the unjust killing of a guiltless human being, I feared that once society accepts the premise that it is morally permissible in certain circumstances to kill an innocent human being, other forms of unjust killing will gradually win public approval, e.g., euthanasia and political murder. After all, if you accept a wicked premise, sooner or later you will have to accept the wicked conclusions that follow from that premise.
Well, here we are, more than fifty years since I began worrying about such things, and ten states plus D.C. have legalized physician-assisted suicide, a kind of voluntary euthanasia. As for political murder, that’s what Hamas did in Israel on October 7 of 2023, and a day or two later great numbers of young Americans were applauding these murders. Who can doubt that euthanasia will grow in popularity? And who will be surprised when American political figures are shot down by fellow Americans?
Though I personally find Donald Trump an obnoxious individual, I fear what may be the outcome of the charge repeated every day by many of his fiercest enemies -- I mean the charge that he will, if elected in 2024, attempt to abolish democracy and make himself a dictator. I fear that some impressionable person, driven half mad by this charge, will decide to play Brutus or Cassius to Trump’s Caesar. People who make this charge are inspired, not (as they self-righteously claim) by a patriotic love of democracy and republicanism; rather, by a wish to inspire widespread hatred of Trump.


But wait! What does abortion have to do with wholesale thievery? We may remember that we were told a few years ago that abortion lowered the crime rate by making sure that boys who are likely to be bad never get born, boys who, if allowed to be born, would grow up in a crime-ridden neighborhood.
Well, it may not have been abortion itself that led directly to “smash and grab” operations. It was, rather, the common justification offered for abortion. I mean the justification that asserts that moral beliefs are matters of opinion, quite unlike mathematical or scientific beliefs. “You say abortion is wrong. I say it’s right. Everybody is entitled to his own opinion.”

And here is the problem. I have known many people with this attitude that "everybody is entitled to his own opinion." People seem believe that moral issues are mere matters of opinion. They believe that "their truth" is different for each of us.  Not so. This is just another way of saying what God says in the Bible that "every man did what was right in his own eyes." But there is a code of morals that God imposes for our own good and happiness. These moral codes, called the 10 Commandments, are "get to" not "have to." But understand that if you want to go your own way, barbarism is the result.

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