Sunday, December 3, 2023

The Satanic World is the World of the Left

 Following up on yesterday's post about The Satanic Temple conducting abortion rituals, Andrea Widburg at the Americcan Thinker has a post entitled Cosmopolitian magazine wants its readers to admire satanic ritual abortions.

As Cosmopolitan’s CEO, Helen Gurley Brown took the magazine from being a high-end literary magazine and turned it into the ultimate guide for single women in the swinging '60s. Now, under the aegis of Jessica Giles, Cosmopolitan is promoting satanic abortions as a way to undo “the religious right’s grip on abortion laws.” It’s stories such as these that make me wonder whether the 2024 election even matters, given that I honestly don’t see how a culture can walk back from this abyss.


The problem for a publication like Cosmo is to stay cutting-edge in a world where your competitors keep diving deeper into the muck with you. One way to stand out would be to be classier than the next publication. That, however, is not the path that Jessica Giles, the current editor-in-chief, has chosen for Cosmo. Instead, Giles, a veteran of The New Yorker, Vogue, Glamour, Marie Claire and Teen Vogue, has opted for the ultimate debasement. Cosmo is encouraging its readers to view with admiration satanic ritual abortions:
The women’s magazine details the specifics of how the “ritiual” abortion is meant to take place and writes favorably about The Satanic Temple (TST) and their New Mexico abortion clinic named after Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s mother.
Cosmo writes that for The Satanic Temple, “abortion is a religious ritual—one they argue deserves legal protection even in restrictive states.” The Satanic Temple also claims that “a uterus is private property that comes with a set of ownership rights that do not extend to an uninvited fetus.”
“So how does a Satanic abortion ceremony even work?” Cosmo asked. “Patients of all faiths are welcome at Samuel Alito’s Mom’s Satanic Abortion Clinic in New Mexico. Along with medical counsel, TST offers free ceremonial support to everyone. Abortion ceremonies are totally optional—and customizable.” Cosmo then describes an “abortion ritual” recommended by the Satan worshipers.
It doesn’t matter whether you believe in Satan to find this beyond appalling. It’s what Satan stands for that should horrify us all.

Actually, it does matter whether you believe in God and the devil or not. That is the only bone I have to pick with Widburg here. I realize our country was founded as a "secular" government to avoid all the conflict that Europe had faced over the various "official" religions. When Jesus said to render unto Caesar what is Caesar's, and unto God what is God's, I don't think he had in mind a Christian theocratic government. First, you must believe, or at least pay lip service to believing.  But God wants a true relationship, not lip service.  An "official" religion tempts people to do things that are against God's will. By laying no religious tests on people running the government, the framers allowed individual conscience to be the guide. But our laws are based on Mosaic laws, or at least, they were.

True belief does matter, nonetheless. For if you believe, you will want to uphold the dignity of not only yourself, but everyone else. You will want, insofar as possible, to obey the Mosaic laws as Christ commanded. For the Left, there is no forgiveness, but if you are Christian, forgiveness is a precept to which you will adhere. For our salvation is the very reason Christ came to earth and died on a cross. None of this is possible without believing in God, and of course, in the devil.

No matter how leftists try to dress up “Satan,” the fact is that Satan is understood to be the antithesis of God. Whether you believe in God, the Judeo-Christian God stands for two important things: Noahide and Mosaic morals and a reverence for the value of human life that has morphed into our American concept of individual liberty.
Understood this way, those who embrace Satanism, whether they believe in Satan or God, are explicitly siding with a world that rejects the principles that are the bedrock of Western culture. It was not a pretty world.
Gentle readers can read Widburg's summary of what pagan life was like. In short, life was a war of every man for himself, and was nasty, brutish and short. This is the Satanic world, the world of the Left.

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