Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Crying in Their Champaign

 I have been banging on about the fact that so-called "Climate Change" alarmism is a giant hoax designed to take the power, wealth, and freedom from the vast middle classes and place it in the hands of a self-appointed arrogant "elite."  Now, as a retired civil engineer, what do I know, right?  Certainly, my training is not in the weather, but it is in general science, and physics.  But of course, I am not alone here.  There are many actual meteorologists who share the same sense that a hoax is being foisted upon us.

Now, at Townhall.com H. Sterling Burnette has a piece entitled Christmas Came Early: Long Suppressed Truths Spoken Ahead of UN Climate Summit. Those truths are that so-called renewables like wind and solar power are not, and never will be adequate to power the modern world. Fossil fuels should remain as part of our energy strategy. Included in that energy strategy should be more nuclear energy. Al Gore must be crying a river over the failure of COP28 to put the kibosh on coal and other fossil fuels.

Gentle readers can read Burnette's article for themselves. I want to emphasize that we have seen graphs that show that at 400 parts per million (ppm), the atmospheric CO2 level is near the lowest since life began. It has been as high as 6000ppm, and the oceans did not boil. The UN is putting you on. They want power, and they believe if they pound on the drum hard and long enough, they will get it.

But no human being on earth has ever, or ever will be able to control the weather, much less control climate. Lately, Biden has asked for federal agencies to explore pumping aerosols into the atmosphere to absorb some of the Sun's energy before it hits the earth. What a stupid idea! If he intends for us to drive electric powered cars, powered by the Sun, it seems strange he would at the same time be trying to limit what power the Sun provides. But that should show you the stupidity of these arrogant "elites."

God alone controls the weather, and he has been doing a good job of it all this time. Perhaps we should stick to things we can do something about, like crime in the streets and public corruption, open borders, spending more than we make, and limiting the number of unborn children we feed to Molech? That was not the complete list, just a start. Certainly, we have more than enough on our own plate without trying to play "God."

I will close with these quotes from Burnette's article:

The second truth once again spoken, but largely ignored by the media, was that climate scientists, particularly those who work on the UN’s periodic climate reports, want to be given Czar-like powers, to both recommend and oversee the implementation of climate policies globally. As The Guardian wrote, “Five IPCC report authors say scientists should be allowed to make policy prescriptions and potentially oversee implementation … by the 195 states signed up to the UN framework convention on climate change (UNFCCC)."
Translation, “We the scientific elite, want governments to impose, under our guidance and legally binding oversight, polices to force people to comply with the climate diktats that we proscribe. The time for convincing people is past, Democracy is too slow and uncertain. We know the truth and should be allowed to force various nations to act according to our informed will.”
In the end, authoritarians will always try to cloak their ambitions in paternalistic terms, “we must do this for the good of, ‘the people,’ ‘the proletariat,’ ‘the volk,’ ‘society,’ ‘the planet,’” pick your term from the appropriate region and time period, but it is in reality all about increasing power and aggrandizing themselves.
In his farewell address, President Dwight Eisenhower, warned that with the advent of big government funding big science, the people should jealously guard their liberty.
“[H]olding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite,” warned Eisenhower with grave demeanor and intonation.

No doubt our "elite betters" are crying in their champaign as they jet home. Well, good.

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