Monday, December 18, 2023

Spreading the Gospel

 The Evil One is getting bolder and bolder in our nation.  I am sure that we have always had Satanic worshipers in our midst, but to actually establish something called the "Satanic Temple" and to have little Satan worshiping clubs in schools bespeaks a terrible time in America.  While one knows the outcome already, yet one can be apprehensive about the immediate effects of this turn of events.

Today at Dr. Robb Brunansky has an article entitled Decapitating the Serpent, which opens with the tearing down of the statue of Baphomet in the Iowa state capitol.

Earlier this month, a man named Michael Cassidy allegedly tore down and beheaded a statue erected by the Satanic Temple in the Iowa state capitol. He reportedly took this action because “it was extremely anti-Christian.” Later, he posted a quote of 1 Peter 5:8 to his X feed, where the apostle exhorts Christians to “be on the alert” because our “adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (NASB).

Interestingly, the title "satan" was a term from the Old Testament for the accuser before God in God's counsel. He may also be the Serpent in the Garden of Eden, it is not made clear, but it is not his name. In fact, we may not be able to pronounce his name even if we knew it, so I will refer to him as the Devil. But moving on:

Many Christians and politically conservative individuals have hailed Cassidy’s actions as ‘brave,’ applauding him for taking a stand against the evil that has infected our nation. People are exhausted by the constant onslaught of wickedness that occurs in our nation day after day, and to see someone fighting so publicly against Satan and Satanism feels very refreshing. Such a bold protest, even if illegal, seems laudatory because it is opposition to evil. As Christians, however, we would do well to allow our passions to simmer and to think through this situation biblically to exercise wisdom and discernment in our fight against the powers of darkness. Is tearing down a statue really a biblical way to oppose evil and a path that Christians should choose or even celebrate?

I must confess that my first reaction was "good for Mr. Cassidy." But, unfortunately, Brunansky is correct. We should not be pulling down the statues of what the Devil worshippers call satan. Why is best left to Brunansky to explain. But bottom line, all it does is harden the heart of people you want to convert. The Devil has seduced a lot of people in America, whether these be supporters of Hamas, or various atheists, Satanic Temple ignoramuses, abortion pushers, the devicrats, Gaia worshippers, the list is seemingly endless. Only God can convert these people by sending his Holy Spirit into them. But we don't want to make these people hardened against the Holy Spirit. As Paul notes, we must meet each one where he is, and pray for their souls. The Spirit will convert them in His own time. It is how we spread the Gospel.

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