Monday, September 16, 2024

Communist "Unhumans"

 Yesterday's post was a call to read a book report by Ned Ryun stating that evil is a reality in this broken world.  Today, we have another book report, written by Janet Levy, about a book written by Jack Prosobiec and Joshua Lisec entitled Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (And How to Crush Them). You can find Levy's article at the American Thinker entitled How To Beat the Communists At Their Own Game.

Perhaps we should unwrap this word "unhuman" first. I have noted in the past that one cannot be a Christian and also "woke" because being woke requires the denial of God given reality. By "God given" I mean both scientifically observable facts and belief in those things that can be reasonably derived from Biblical teachings. Things like the fact of two genders and the fact of birth at conception. In the same way, one cannot be a Christian and be a Marxist/Communist/Socialist/Fascist or even a Progressive, for these world views also deny God given realities. This clash of world views was what drove Bella Dodd, for example to leave Communism and return to Christianity.

When one adopts Communism, one also adopts the tactics and the beliefs of Communists. These are purely demonic and one becomes capable of doing horrible things in the name of the new god, Lucifer. In that sense, one loses his humanity and becomes unhuman. It is only when one formally repents of these beliefs and tactics and confesses to being a sinner that one regains a sense of being human.

Levy writes:

Communism thrives on resentment, vengeance, and terror. Its chief weapon is disorder, the dismantling of existing structures, the undoing of bonds holding together families, nations, civilizations. Conservative pundits have been warning of this for decades. Why, then, have the U.S. – and the West as a result – moved to the Left?
According to Jack Posobiec and Joshua Lisec, authors of Unhumans: The Secret History of Communist Revolutions (And How to Crush Them), conservatives lose because they do not understand the Left. The authors say their book is a “software upgrade” for saving America and Western civilization. They say they are unapologetic about the epithet ‘unhumans’ because communists destroy “the human rights of life, liberty, and property – and undo their own humanity in the process by fully embracing nihilism, cynicism, and envy.”
Posobiec is a former Naval intelligence officer, a T.V. journalist, and well-known conservative voice, while Lisec is a professional ghostwriter. As staunch believers in the “God-given will of the human spirit to build a greater, better world than the one we found ourselves in,” both are committed to fighting back.
They advocate the principle of exact reciprocity: “that which is done by the communists and the regime must be done unto them.” Lawfare, naming, shaming, boycotts, cancel culture – the Left, they say, must be fought with its own weapons. Their book is no limp-wristed analysis of conservative failures; it is a clarion call for an iron-fisted counterattack – a counter-revolution, for which they lay out the strategy in the final two (12th and 13th) chapters.

The last, "exact reciprocity," is what Kurt Schlichter has called the "new rules." We must not be shy about using the new rules against the Communists, because that is the only way to stop them. But we cannot become them. We must use our newfound rules to target high profile targets to discourage everyone else. Some of this is already happening with people like Robby Starbuck pressuring companies like Harley Davidson to abandon DEI initiatives. We must double down on what Starbuck is doing and find other means to cancel, boycott, lawfare, and sometimes imprisonment when actual laws have been broken. We don't have to make stuff up. There is a host of legitimate targets out there.

At another level, the authors say, communists have unleashed anarcho-terrorism – the selective enforcement of laws against a target population. Examples given include the prosecution of Jan. 6 demonstrators protesting a fraudulent election while Antifa and BLM rioters were exonerated for the “summer of love,” in which property was destroyed, businesses were looted, and people were assaulted. Another is the villainization of police officers in the George Floyd case despite his record as a violent criminal, fentanyl addict, and heart patient. Yet another is the criminalization of self-defense, while courts take a lenient view of muggers and robbers.
Committed as they are to taking the fight back to the communists, Posobiec and Lisec say that, if necessary, conservatives must infiltrate the organizations of the unhumans. Posobiec hasn’t shied from such work himself: he has infiltrated Antifa meetings that planned attacks on Trump’s inauguration and the Seattle Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ) and written a book about the conspiracies hatched there (The Antifa: Stories from Inside the Black Bloc).
They also suggest acquiring dominance over social media – creating networks of counter-influencers, for example – so that organizations such as Antifa, BLM, and NGOs profiting from illegal immigration can be exposed and shamed effectively, while lawfare against them gains wide publicity. In fact, Posobiec has written another book – 4D Warfare: A Doctrine for a New Generation of Politics – dedicated to fighting communists on social media.

I urge gentle readers to read the whole article by Levy.

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