Saturday, September 7, 2024

Pray and Vote

Yesterday, Sha'i ben-Tekoa had a must read article at the American Thinker in which he explains in painful, if not gory detail Islam's Psychopathic Bullies. Mostly, he illustrates from the Israeli experience of the October 7 war. But understand that the same terrorists and psychopaths are here, now in America, and they are beginning to make their presence known in Europe. Europe is thoroughly frightened of them and doesn't know what to do. Europe seems to have lost control of the hordes of Muslim immigrants.  Our so-called leaders are not going to do much either as when they lose control, it will already be too late.

In recent days, various Israeli former captives of the Muslim Brotherhood (Hamas) in the Gaza Strip have gone public in the Israeli media with their ordeal, and their reportage is uniform. Every one of their different captors comes across as a psychopathic bully. Being kidnapped and becoming a hostage to Muslims means more than just loss of freedom; it means constant, 24-7 abuse, punishment physical and psychological, in particular, endless humiliation.
Israel’s quoted freed hostage Almog Meir regarding his abuser: “If he did not like how we walked around the apartment, he would say, ‘You were up, fine, now you will sit for a week and not move. If you go to the bathroom, you must crawl there. I don’t want you to stand.’” This is bullying for bullying’s sake.
Almog added, “They often just wanted to punch me. You disconnect from your feelings, from the humiliation. He would take this pen and tie our mouths around it. For days, we would have cuts in our mouths. Sometimes we were bound by chains and would have the rust wash off us when we showered. The lock on the chains would cut us to the bone.”
What the MSM never covers is the religious dimension of the cruelty that the Jewish hostages in Muslim hands in Gaza are subject to daily. The Koran mandates “oppression and humiliation” for Jews, and that was the relationship over fourteen centuries.

It is too bad that the MSM doesn't cover the religious nature of this abuse. Understand that the Jews would not acknowledge Muhammad's claims and so Muhammad in a fit of pique placed an eternal curse on them. But think for a moment. The Jews were God's chosen people. Would God have called for the killing of all Jews? He had made a covenant with them, and it was irrevocable. Whether the Jews honored it or not, God would keep his promises. Clearly God would not mandate the killing of Jews. Clearly, the Koran is the work of the Evil One.

Here's another way to tell that Christianity is from God and Islam is not. In Christianity, God first loved us, and in response we should love our neighbor as ourselves for the sake of God's love for us. God so loves us that he doesn't want to force himself on anyone. God through his great love and grace grants us faith and asks us to pray and worship Him because doing so strengthens us and improves our lives.

By contrast, Islam does not demand faith. One can become a Muslim by saying a series of words three times. What Islam demands is submission. Love has nothing to do with it, which of course is what causes such psychopathy in Muslims. It makes sense that Islam is as it is because it is the work of the Evil One, and he hates humans with an unquenchable and insatiable hatred.

You may be wondering what Marxism, Socialism, Communism and whatever other "ism" they go by today has in common with Islam. Marxism is after all atheistic, believing in no god. Islam is a totalitarian governing system masquerading as a religion. Totalitarianism then is what both have in common.  The Marxist hope to use the Muslims as their shock troops and armed attack dogs to impose totalitarian rule. I suspect the Devil has other plans, however, and he is smarter and more powerful than any human. Besides, he is also influencing the Left as well.  In the end, he is willing to give to a few people in order to make as slaves out of as many of us as possible.

What can you and I do? For now, pray fervently and every day. Oh, and vote like your life depended on it, because it does.

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