Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Merrick Garland's Brand of (In)Justice Must Go

John Nantz at Townhall.com has an insightful piece entitled Selective Justice and the Trump Assassination Attempt: Garland's DOJ in Crisis. Nantz's central point is that either Merrick Garland is an arrogant liar, or he is incompetently and unbelievably naive. In either case, the man at the top of the Department of (in)Justice has no business being there.

Last Thursday Attorney General (AG) Merrick Garland delivered an address to the workforce titled “An Independent Justice Department.” The speech drew howls of derision from the right, and for good reason.
In a completely unaware manner, Garland stated emphatically that his Department of Justice (DOJ) operates based on norms that “treat like cases alike.” He pronounced “there is not one rule for friends and another for foes…one rule for Democrats and another for Republicans…” All of red state America waited for the laugh track to queue, but it never did. Garland made these shocking statements with complete conviction. The degree of self-deception or outright arrogance is breathtaking in this bureaucratic screed.

Nantz reminds us, as if we need reminding, of the many examples of the DOJ's many instances of unbalanced law enforcement and lawfare. They would essentially excuse one favored defendant while throwing the book at another disfavored one. The FBI targeted individuals and groups based upon their political leanings, with conservatives and Christians getting the lion's share of FBI scrutiny.

Nor will anyone forget the events that developed on Capitol Hill during the grey afternoon of January 6, 2021 (J6th). Certainly, no one can forget how Democrats have caterwauled about the protest gone awry. J6th has been compared to the Civil War by Kamala Harris, and as the greatest threat to liberty since Adolph Hitler’s march into Paris. While still on stage in front of the White House, Trump urged his constituents to move peaceably to the Capitol to peacefully protest the results of what many considered a stolen election. The vast majority of the people there that day did just that.


Garland’s perverse brand of justice, with its partisan prosecutorial priorities, has led us to the brink of disaster as Trump narrowly escaped a second assassination attempt on Sunday. The law and order vacuum represented by Garland’s DOJ has emboldened the dangerous rhetoric which places Trump’s life in danger. By allowing reckless politicians to continue to incite violence without bringing the DOJ’s prosecutorial resources to bear on a clear violation of federal law, Garland provides tacit approval, and shares in the responsibility for enabling criminally disturbed individuals to carry out their murderous plans.
The DOJ and FBI are broken institutions. However, as Attorney General Harlan Stone proved in the 1920’s, both institutions can be reformed by powerful leaders with mandates to root out the multitudinous elements of corruption which have come to plague once great bulwarks of civil liberty. It can be done. It must be done. And, Trump is the man for the job.

I urge gentle readers to again read the whole article and consider just who you want running the nation at this time.

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