Monday, September 23, 2024

The Great Bush Betrayal

 A must-read at the American Thinker today is J. B. Shurk's article Dick Cheney Loves KamaLOL. I urge gentle readers to read the entire article. Those who love snark will find it aplenty. But it is the concluding paragraphs that have moved me to comment. These tell the real story.

So many patriotic Republicans went to war because George Bush and Dick Cheney told them that they were fighting evil and preserving freedom. They left their families to spend years in Afghanistan and Iraq. They sacrificed everything. Then battle turned into occupation. A Global War on Terrorism became an amorphous struggle against undefined “extremism.” At home, we got the TSA, DHS, the PATRIOT Act, and mass surveillance. By the time Barack Obama and Eric Holder retooled all of these unconstitutional abrogations of Americans’ rights into weapons for persecuting ordinary Americans for their beliefs, it was clear that a new kind of evil was destroying freedom. As Sundance over at The Conservative Treehouse once said, we should have never agreed to take off our shoes at the airport. It was all downhill from there.
Remarkably, the very patriots who reacted to 9/11 by volunteering to defend their country have become the principal targets of today’s national security surveillance state. And while the Deep State censors, harasses, and demonizes those who have given so much for their nation, George Bush and Dick Cheney have chosen to remain silent. They have turned their backs on those who had theirs. A quarter of a century after the worst attack on America since Pearl Harbor, our former Republican leaders endorse outright communists.
This kind of repugnant betrayal is why so many Americans adamantly support President Trump and why MAGA will never, ever go away.

I think all too many Republicans feel betrayed by the Bushes. Yes, Dubya seemed to be better than Al Gore, and better than John Kerry, but really, was he? The betrayal of all conservative principles by W was just too much. If the Never-Trump people want to know from whence the MAGA movement came, it came about because the Republican party repudiated the Reagan movement and joined forces with the Democrats. Today, the Democrats (read Communists and Fascists) are desperately trying to steal the Republic while the MAGA movement desparately tries to pull the Republic from dropping off a cliff.

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