Sunday, September 22, 2024

We Are Not in a Cultural War but a Spiritual War

 I have thought for some time that we, on the Constitutional side, has been in a spiritual war, but a spiritual war usually involves fighting the devil.  It involves casting out demons.  But Anthony J. DeBlasi has an article today at the American Thinker entitled The War With No Name that paints a picture of our current fight to stop the fascist far left in this country as a spiritual war. Thinking about it, I have to agree.

I have said on several occasions here that one cannot be a Christian and also be a Marxist which also means fascist, Communist, Progressive, socialist or any of their foot soldiers such as BLM or ANTIFA. These people are aggressive in imposing their views on everyone.  They are intolerant while requiring it of us.  They have slowly turned several generations of children from God and towards their atheistic secular worldview.

But in truth, nobody is an atheist. Either you worship the LORD, or you worship some idol. Those seeking wealth and power are worshipping the Baals, while those shouting their abortions and sexual perversions are worshipping Ashtaroth and Molock.  These are all the deliberately offended we call "woke."

DeBlasi's money quote is here:

I’ll continue by asking, what is it that could make a U.S. government official regard Christians as a threat to America? The idea occurs to me that anyone who thinks that way is behaving as though he/she has been drugged somehow. A silly a notion?


Returning to the importance of Christianity in America, it is now beyond guessing that this country’s domestic enemies have made Christianity a target of annihilation. They don’t regard Christianity as just another dismissible “cult” but as an intolerable block to the transformation of America into an authoritarian state, which it cannot be as constituted.


Karl Marx famously claimed that religion is “the opium of the people.” Was he perhaps overlooking an “opiate” of his own to win the hearts and minds of the people? I’m pointing to the promise of equal shares of the products of labor for everyone. That this total equity is unattainable is proved by the fact that it has never worked where implemented – worked for the people, I mean. Their end of the bargain turns out to be subsistence at best, more likely some form of misery. In practice, the carrot dangled in front of the people for accepting total equity is a sugar-coated lie, effective as any drug.
Moving to a bottom line, the bad news is that dictatorship in America has been steadily advancing and accelerating since Barack Obama took office. Who hasn’t noticed? The woke, most likely. The good news is that the complicit leftist media has gotten its comeuppance since Trump took office, and fewer and fewer people are buying its lies.
I think I’ve said enough to validate the growing belief that we are in a global war without troops, physical weapons, locations, and political strategies – a fight for hearts and minds that can rightly be called a spiritual war.

DeBlasi has put his finger on what we are really facing here. St. Paul wrote in Ephesians 6:12:

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.

Gentle readers should go to DeBlasi's article and meditate on it.

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